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A bit of company....

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It's nice to have a bit of company sometimes when you are quilting.....

I like to see butterflies on quilts but I don't really want to attach a real one....sometimes he gets so close to the needle I'm scared I'm going to stitch him in ....of course he's trying to get under the lights of my longarm.....he should really be finding a nice dark corner here in my studio to sleep in for the winter.


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Very pretty! My quilting buddies are little green lizards. We've had a really big population this year, and I've had many little baby ones get into my quilting room this year. They're really cute little buggers, and quick! But I have to put them out or I'll step on them. Still, they're very cute.

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Lol, My visitor was a 6 foot black snake that came in through the broken screen in the window. I saw him come in and then lost him in a pile of batting. I went upstairs to get my nephew to help me get him and when we returned, he disappeared in my basement somewhere. I was working on a quilt that had to be finished than evening so we moved everything close to my feet and under the machine and I would quilt..., look, quilt,... look until it was finished. Three days later my DH found him in the rafters in the bathroom. We took him outside and measured him and he was 6 feet long!. We turned him loose and he went up a tree, so he is out there somewhere. I have a picture of the snake going up the tree, but I can't find it tonight. May be on the other computer. I'll try to post it tomorrow. The quilt was the guild raffle quilt so we thought of calling it "Black Snake Crossisng. LOL


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Originally posted by chrisquilter

Lol, My visitor was a 6 foot black snake that came in through the broken screen in the window. I saw him come in and then lost him in a pile of batting. I went upstairs to get my nephew to help me get him and when we returned, he disappeared in my basement somewhere. I was working on a quilt that had to be finished than evening so we moved everything close to my feet and under the machine and I would quilt..., look, quilt,... look until it was finished. Three days later my DH found him in the rafters in the bathroom. We took him outside and measured him and he was 6 feet long!. We turned him loose and he went up a tree, so he is out there somewhere. I have a picture of the snake going up the tree, but I can't find it tonight. May be on the other computer. I'll try to post it tomorrow. The quilt was the guild raffle quilt so we thought of calling it "Black Snake Crossisng. LOL

eeee gads!!!! I'll stick with butterflies, thank you.

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Originally posted by chrisquilter

Lol, My visitor was a 6 foot black snake that came in through the broken screen in the window. I saw him come in and then lost him in a pile of batting. I went upstairs to get my nephew to help me get him and when we returned, he disappeared in my basement somewhere. I was working on a quilt that had to be finished than evening so we moved everything close to my feet and under the machine and I would quilt..., look, quilt,... look until it was finished. Three days later my DH found him in the rafters in the bathroom. We took him outside and measured him and he was 6 feet long!. We turned him loose and he went up a tree, so he is out there somewhere. I have a picture of the snake going up the tree, but I can't find it tonight. May be on the other computer. I'll try to post it tomorrow. The quilt was the guild raffle quilt so we thought of calling it "Black Snake Crossisng. LOL

Yes, I think I'll keep my butterfly, he's nice and polite, doesn't freak me out at all!

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Originally posted by LadyLake

I'm not sure how you kept quilting knowing a snake that big was lurking. I didn't know you had snakes like that in Ohio! I admire you for letting it go after being caught.

There are very few poisonous snakes in ohio, and in fact this guy was a black rat snake. Very beneficial to the farmers around here. Just call us the no-kill snake shelter LOL

I had to take that dang quit to the quilt guild that night so I had no choice! The next morning I came down the stairs and peaked around the corner (just to make sure he was not close) and out of the corner of my eye I saw a long black "thing" I jumped back up the stair and then cracked myself up when I realized it was a handle of a tote bag! I was really afraid that he would hide in a box of fabric and I would find him when reaching in to get something. yuck!! Trust me, I was using a stick to move things around till we found him LOL

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I would not have been able to stand that close to the tree.......

I hate snakes! I don't care if they have their place in the food chain.....I hate them, and I would not have stayed in the house until it was gone! I wouldn't of cared how much it cost me.

The guild would have had to wait.....thats all there is to it.

Your a much better person than I.

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Originally posted by Deb Semmens

I would not have been able to stand that close to the tree.......

I hate snakes! I don't care if they have their place in the food chain.....I hate them, and I would not have stayed in the house until it was gone! I wouldn't of cared how much it cost me.

The guild would have had to wait.....thats all there is to it.

Your a much better person than I.

I guess I was more afraid of disappointing the guild members than sharing my space with a large black snake. LOL To be honest though, I only saw the last half of the snake coming in the window. So really I thought it was about 3 feet long. I might have been more nervous if I had known it was 6 feet long. Just as a side note, the hole is still in the screen, but I have NOT opened that window again! I might be a dedicated quilter, but I am not foolish! LOL.

I would much rather have had the butterfly or geckos visit!

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