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Who knew?? Bias tape for borders!!!--now with pics

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Yeah--who knew that you could use bias tape to form the sashing on a diagonal set quilt and then the leftover works great for that little inner border before you just sew a length of border fabric without measureing!?!?!?

I'll take a few photos when I go back out to the studio--this is a first--really??Bias tape---that had to be more expensive than cutting the strips from regular yardage.

Anyway--starting a 2 week marathon of customer quilts that need to be finished before going to MQS!!

Just had to vent!


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Yes all--I was being completely sarcastic!!!;););) as it is graduation season and all the grandmas who have a sewing machine decide to make a quilt for their grandchildren--don't get me wrong I know the love that goes into these--it's just sometimes hard and funny at the same time when looking at the construction on these quilts.

This one had 1/2" seam allowances and bias tape used through--the sashing--the balck and the white and the inner black border. It isn't perfect--but finished and will be loved by someone--that is what quilting is all about.

Ok--I am finished venting--now to get on with the 6 more quilts to finish this week.

This is a before of the borders...


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Great "before" and "after" photos! :P Thanks for sharing...... you dun good!

Hey, I'm scrambling through a bunch of graduation quilts too. The one I am just finishing was very wonky. I mean honky tonky willy wonky! Never seen one like this before... Oh well, was made by mom for her daughter. It turned out beautiful -- with the custom quilting I did in the blocks and outer borders. The quilt is still willy wonky (couldn't fix it) --- just let it be... However, it will be loved and used, and treasured, I'm sure of it!

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