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prayers for fast recovery

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So I learned a very important lesson....I have suffered with a bad gallbladder for many years. A few months ago it finially became unbearable so went in to have it removed. My surgeon said it was totally destroyed and had to be removed in little clumps, but everything was fine. Well it was not, I had a major bile leak. they sent me home even tho my stomach was extrememly hard and the gases had not started moving. I was home two days a took a fall. fell so hard it bruised from the inside out, about the size of a basketball. well during the day I just kept feeling worse so hubby to me to ER. where they informed me I had had a heart attack. I ended up in ICU where the drs began arguing over which was more urgent the surgery to repair the bile leak or the heart attack. Turns out the the cardiologist won ans they would not do the surget unti they were sure of the mamage and how bad of a blockage i had. So they took me for the test run the dye in me and found NO blockage, none at all, said my heart was in very good cond. so they proceeded with surgery to repair the leak and 14 days later I am finally home. Please pray for continued recovery. Jacque

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Oh Jacque! I'm so sorry to hear you went through all this, but so glad you didn't have a heart attack. I hope you'll be as good as new in no time. Prayers for you for quick healing.

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Prayers for a good and quick healing, still please don't rush the healing.. I've been in the category of a 3 year gall bladder, as I had the surgery that went quite well, then once in the next 2 years had to have hernia's patched...

The only thing that was painful, lol, was the surgery sites after surgery. It wasn't anything like you went through.

So glad things turned out so well for you.

God is carrying you through all of this.

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