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This Is So Hard

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In my Favorites on the old forum I had a post saved in which Linda Reich showed us how she does a feather meander overall. I managed to find the post in which Caroline had used Linda's inspiration and posted a link to the instructions. When I click on the link all it does is take me to the first page of the NEW forum!!! :angry: I have used the search engine entering all versions of the words "feather meander" and coming up empty. This is so hard, I hate to complain when I know there is nothing APQS can do but I want my old Favorites list back--there is no way I will ever find all those wonderful inspiration photos.

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At one time when the talk of a new website was in the works, I thought about saving all my Favorites to a CD and then didn't do it. DRATS ! I did print off some designs that I really wanted to try, so I do have those near my quilting machine. But so much other stuff is gone. Too bad...............

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Carol, look up near the top of the page on the right, just above the short black bar that says "Reply to this topic" but below the black header bar that has your name on it. You should see a light grey bar that says "Follow this topic". Click on that bar and the topic will be added to the content you follow (your "new" favorites).

Hope that helps. We're all still learning things about the new forum, so don't feel stupid!! :) :)

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Ok when I click on MY Content and there dozens of posts in there. What the heck? According to my memory, ( faulty at best) I said I wanted to follow only 2 posts. EEKS and what is with all the notification stuff. No option not to be notified. I just want to keep the post! Sorry to rant, I am just frustrated tonight.

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the "my content" includes everything you have posted. I'm sorry that you're frustrated and I know a few other users are as well. It's unfortunate that we couldn't get the old favorites to work on the new Forum. But as Janna discovered, it takes a little finesse to get to know the search feature.

Whenever you search, you can enter a word or phrase. Put the phrase in quotes if you want to look for the words just as they appear. Also, search by screen name, and be sure to expand the date range to go back far enough to capture the information.

Regarding notification options, this help section may give you some alternatives to how you are following topics and receiving notices:


Let me know how else I can help you!

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Sometimes I want to save a picture of some great quilting for later. I found I can still do this with the new Forum if I click (Save) at the bottom right of the photo. Then I can hold my curser on the picture and drag it to a word file where I can note whose quilt it is and the type of quilt. This allows me to print the picture later. I save them under the quilter's name and name of the quilt. (Ex: LindaRech BasketsPrairePoints.) Those of you who know a better way within the new Forum, please tell me how to do it. I'm still trying to get familiar with the new Forum. Thanks!

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Dawn? While there are so many folks asking for help, I have one that I just can't figure out with my addlepated brain.

How do I get rid of "Ritarose" and get my newer by years, screen name on posts????????

I'd really appreciate your help.. Please ?



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