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A pretty great day.....:)

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Saturday was my birthday and I just had to share that my family took me out to a horse rescue farm which was pretty wonderful but then I came home to dinner, cake, and a great present from my DH....


IMG_0142 by SewmanyquiltsSewlittletime, on Flickr

and then....


Featherweight by SewmanyquiltsSewlittletime, on Flickr

isn't he a keeper!!!!

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Congrats! You will love the featherweight... It looks like it is in great condition....I have 7 of these babies...from 1947 - 1958 and 1 singer 222 from England... I love them all.....they all have names too...lol....they are a slightly different...scroll face, striated, etc...I keep thinking I should sell some of them but can't bring myself to do it...

You may already know this but there is a Singer site where you can print out the certificate for you FW...you jus put in the serial number and it will print out the birthday etc...kind of cute...

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