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please join me in praying for peace and mercy

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A very dear friend is in the final stages of Alzeimers under Hospice care and I ask that you join me in praying for peace and mercy as she readys to meet her Lord and King.  thank you.  Jeanne

I am happy now that her comfort quilt has been finished and is on her and holds all the love of many of her quilting friends.  I will post a picture of the finished quilt later, didnt have time to take pictures, but will get some later. 

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thank you all, your prayers are greatly appreciated.  It is a comfort to know that petitions are being sent up to the Lord on her behalf and he too is waiting for a joyous reunion,  It is a beautiful, yet a very hard thing for us left on this side of eternity.

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i never realize how debiltating Alzheimers becomes and how very quickly it can go from one stage into another.  my friend turned 69 in March and around November there was an escaltation of symptoms and just about a month ago, she became bedridden and now it has  consumed here entirely. I know we all have to go at sometime and from something, but it doesnt seem to  make it any easier.  I am not sure if I think the fact that they are not aware of alot of what is happening is a blessing or not.  thanks for your support  Jeanne

PS she has been my quilting buddy, roomate and I have lots of fond memories of our times together, so I will have lots of good thoughts of and about her when I think of her. 

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I lost both my mother-in-law and father-in-law to Alzheimers. It is a horrible disease. I feel your pain, Jeanne. I am so happy you will have good thoughts of your friend and the good times you had together. God bless both of you.

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Jeanne,  my heart is weeping for your loss of a wonderful friend.  The older I get, the more I realize how temporary our life here on earth is.  We need to treasure each day.  It sounds like you have many treasured memories of your time with your friend.  I hope you can find comfort in those memories.  I am praying for a peaceful journey for her.  Bless you all.

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This is a great thing that you made this quilt to wrap her and have had such wonderful memories of your time together.  I will pray for her and all those with diseases to have peace and recover either here on earth or in heaven.  

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my friend passed away on Saturday evening in her sleep and went very peacefully, although it is hard to say goodbye, it is a comfort to know that she is in a much better place and free from all the pain and suffering and has a clear mind as well.  Praise the Lord for his mercies, My uncle passed the same way on Sunday Morning so we have a double reason to grieve but also a double reason for rejoicing that they are both with the Lord!!

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