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Need to be quilting but new puppy blues.

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I have customer stuff to do but I ended up not saying no to a new puppy. We had to put our baby down 3 weeks ago and a friend rescued a 7 week old puppy a couple of teenagers were disposing of. She called me I took the little one in as we used to breed dogs years ago. I didn't think she was but 4 weeks old but the vet said 7. I forgot how much work and lack of sleep babies give you. Needless to say I'm a sucker so unless she is reported stolen I guess I have a playmate for my remaining pomeranian. Anyone have any tips on Miniature Schnauzer's. Been doing a little research on them as it is not a breed I have had any experience with.

Love the puppy kisses but don't care for needle teeth; lack of sleep and I'm not used to watching where I step. She is a little shadow.

Maybe I can get something done today when she naps. I could use some encouragement. We weren't quite ready for another dog yet but apparently our other dog needs a partner in crime.


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Congrats on the new puppy. I agree with Meg on the crate training. We have two sisters, Springer spaniels, Ella and Rosie just coming up 8 months old

It had been over 12 years since had any dogs in the family. After the first few days I really thought what have We gone and done . The proved to be so much work more work than I remembered from our last two. The crates have been great for night times and time outs when they get too boisterous. Though right now they are both asleep on the sofa with my son. They are still little rascals but it has become so much easier now than the first three month, and they do make me smile.

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Aww,  so sorry to hear about the loss of your other dog.  You did a good thing to save this little puppy.  Pictures of the little miss?  Nothing like puppy breath, is there? :)   My grandma always had a miniature schnauzer living with her.  They are intelligent little things, that is for sure! Keep their minds occupied and they are happy.  They love people and are very trusting as long as it is well earned.  You have found a loving friend to share life with for many years.


I agree with kennel training.  Our dd and sil just recently got two brother puppies, cocker and miniature aussie mix/heinz 57's,  now 9 weeks old, and they are working hard training them.  Here is a picture of their little pups trying to help him out with building a swing set. ;)

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i've had 3 mini schnauzers & love them.  they are very active & noisy, but you can train them to not bark so much.  they're great companions.  one warning about schnauzers, they have the attitude of a large dog so can get themselves in trouble with bigger dogs.  they don't shed or smell.  schanuzers are predisposed to pancreatitis so avoid fatty foods & table scraps.  although, none of our 3 schnauzers had pancreatitis, but we feed only dog food & no people food.  the puppy stage is really tough.  i remember thinking i would never get through it, but i did & it was worth it :D

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I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog.  People who have never owned a pet really have no idea how hard it is.  We had three shelties, and now are down to one, and she's getting old.  I agreed with my husband that once our little Pepper is gone, we will take a break from dogs for a while.  The thing is, I don't know if I can do it.  I would be like you, and wouldn't be able to pass up a pup when I see it; especially a rescue.  Problem is, my youngest daughter is in University and going into Vet Med.  She volunteers at a dog rescue and keeps texting me pics of all of the adorable dogs she sees.  Reading your email brings back to mind how much work a new puppy is.  I agree whole heartedly with the crate training.  It makes yours and their lives much less stressful.  It's still a lot of work in the mean time though.  I wish I had some good advice for you, but I wouldn't be surprised to find myself in the same predicament in the next year or two.


I'd love to see pics!  How's your other dog accepting the puppy?



Empty Nest LAQ

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Shirley, I'm sorry you lost your friend.  I'm happy you have a new baby.  Enjoy.


I agree with using a crate.  Imagine have a toddler around all day with no playpen or crib.  OMG...you would be exhausted.  Puppies aren't a whole lot different.  Plus they need their "quiet time".


Lori, I have a little miniature blue merle sheltie named Pepper.  She's 6 years old now.  I had a regular blue merle sheltie named Charlie for almost 16 years.  I got Pepper a couple of years before Charlie died.  I knew it would be hard on me when he died because he kept me company 24/7 for all those years.  He was such a buddy.  Pepper has a totally different personality.  I adore shelties.


One of my favorite pics of Charlie was taken with my GD when she was about two weeks old and he was about 8 weeks old and I put them both in his little bed with his stuffed panda.  The GD is 17½ years old now.




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We have a new puppy too (a German Shepherd).  She's just 4 months old now and teething.  We lost our 14 yr.old Shepherd  on New Year's Eve and just couldn't stand it for long without a dog.  She's definitely a handful.  Sometimes I wish we hadn't picked out the alpha female of the litter.  But she's getting better and I think there's hope.  She does let me quilt as long as she can see me through the baby gate.  She's finally realizing we are the boss and not her.  Good luck with your new addition.

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I too am sorry for your loss! It is like losing part of yourself when one passes. I too agree with the crate training and puppy pads as well. My Bonnie was 6 months old this week and she is almost house broken. She does all her business outside but won't ask to go. (she will also sit for a treat) I have to remember to take her out or she will elect to go with "Plan B!" That teething is a nasty thing as well. Have plenty of toys on hand. We keep Bonnie in a pack-n-play while indoors most of the time. She has her toys and can see us but can't get to us unless we say it is ok. It will save your furniture, floors and sanity.

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I will attempt a photo. Having trouble getting a good one. Our other dog has quit pouting from under the bed and checks on the puppy when she is in her kennel. She comes and gets me when she is crying and lets her play with her toys. She will play if she thinks your not looking. So for our older dog I think it will be good. Just haven't had a puppy in 15 years I forgot how much like a newborn they are. Will attempt photo later tonight.


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I have a miniature schnauzer named Emmi--this is our second schnauzer and we love them!  Crate train, crate train!!  As others have said they don't shed and they don't smell.  Our first schnauzer barked her head off all the time, I was determined not to let that happen this time and I was successful--Emmi snorts instead of barking.  :)


A friend who trains labs as service animals told me this trick, we used it and other friends have used it with great success--the first two weeks the dog is in your household, feed her every bite of food she gets out of your hand, not a bowl.  This teaches the dog you are the alpha, not her.  It teaches the dog to do your bidding not the schnauzer in her bidding!  It works!


Good luck with your new baby and please post a photo!

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Oh Shirley I feel your pain with those puppy teeth. Our Brody a chocolate lab in now 4 years old and still a handful. Thankfully I found a puppy daycare that he goes to one time a week for 4 hours. The first day I took him I cried well now I run out the door! Just kidding. It will get better.

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I love puppies but hate the training. I've had a few schnauzers and love the breed (but two died of pancreatitis and I never fed them people food) My moms is 15 years old. I agree with the big dog attitude. Also if they are fighting do not let the dogs fight it out as some people say to do or someone will be going to the vets. They are a type of terrier that are stubburn and will not back down. Two of mine were food aggressive and when they got into a fight over a piece of kibble it was awful. I would have to take a broom or blanket to break them apart. Then one would give the other the evil eye for the rest of the day.


Crate training a must. One thing I didn't know was that dogs need socialized at a very young age. Around week 16 can be a fear period and need extra socialization. No "poor baby" just good encouragement. I have a westie now and I worked hard to walk in city and expose him to everything I could think of. Now he could be standing in front of a motorcycle starting up and not be bothered. Thunder bothers him I guess because he can't see it. He's still a barker but he is better about it. Parvo can be a problem for young dogs until they have all thier vacinations so only bring them around dogs you know and keep out of dog parks (or anywhere else there are unknown dogs)


You may know all of this but thought I'd chime in.


Have fun with the new puppy. They are wonderful.



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Pat thanks for the advice.  We haven't had a litter for 15 years, we used to breed Norwegian Elkhounds, but once my male started to have unknown health conditions, we quit breeding.  We later found out it was cancer, if we had known we never would have breed him as one of the males out of our last litter that we kept for a show dog also ended up with cancer.  I guess that is the difference between a responsible breeder and the breeder that had this pup.  I have since found out from various other people the last name of these people and that they were trying to sell un-papered puppies for $600 and she was the only one left.  If anyone else bought one of these for that they can get papered puppies for that price.  It is just not a breed I had had any knowledge of other than what they looked like.  My last several dogs have been rescues as I felt this was a better thing to do than encourage puppy mills.  So technically this one is a rescue also.  If I would have found out that she was papered I would have made a deal with the breeder to get the papers in exchange for spaying her female.  But since she is not papered I'm not going there.  These people should be ashamed of themselves.


I promised pictures and I am going to give it a shot,  We have named her Oreo, my son said she looks like a skunk, and my grandkids wanted to name her skittles, but hubby decided on Oreo Double Stuff.  I do put her in a crate when I can't watch her and at night.  She is a howler.post-3674-0-77563400-1369527359_thumb.jpgpost-3674-0-91308100-1369527382_thumb.jpgpost-3674-0-45381400-1369527403_thumb.jpg

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What a cutie! She reminds me of my Schatzi. My calmest dog was a rescue. His name was Major Tibbs. We called him Major Baby because he was one. I love the natural ears. I think they are cuter that way. I wish the US was like Britain and banned docking the ears. Tails are different. I used to say they dock

Schnauzer tails because they would beat themselves. They are always wagging those tails. :-)

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Oh Shirley - I'm sorry to hear you had to put your dog to sleep.  It's so hard.  You new pup is so darned cute!  Bless you for giving her a good home.  That puppy stage is trying though!


We lost our wonderful boxer dog about a month ago from cancer.  He was a rescue and the best dog we ever had.  I miss him so much.


We'll get another rescue dog in a heartbeat.  Maybe even two! :)

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She had really made oh older dog a totally different dog. Much to the better. The puppy will get introduced to the sons boxer Tuesday as I have to take her to get her stitches out. I had a growth removed from her. It wouldn't have been obvious on a long hair dog but on a boxer it looked bad. They sent it off to be looked at and were hoping it is nothing.

Puppy will get a bath tonight. She has figured out stairs and I'm getting trained more than she is getting spotty trained. She is learning her name pretty quickly also. Hubby named her Oreo.


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I have always leaned more towards owning cats than dogs, but your puppy is so darn cute!  We put our cat down 2 years ago and have only had the wild birds we feed.  After seeing the pictures of your puppy, just might need to talk to DH.  

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I have two cairn terriers...we never had terriers before and they are a hoot!  But differant....I took my two to obedience classes and one of the trainers there who raised airdales said that training terriers is a bit different because they don't particularly care if they please you...they have no shame either!  The trick she said was to convience them that what you wanted them to do was their idea!  She said positive training worked way better than any negative type training...she said they took a bit longer to train...I think she was right!  But I love my two and I think they are just the best...but they are not for someone who wants a "what can I do to please your now?) type of dog...they will scheme to get what they want...my oldest dog figured out early on that the way to get an extra treat out of me was to steal an ink pen or paper money.....she knew she would get a treat in exchange...learned quickly that I would not give her one for anything else she stole!  I really didn't want ink all over everything or a $20 bill chewed into little pieces....my two are now 10 & 12 and we have reached that comfortable stage where they now have me trained!  My best advice would be to seek out a terrier wise friend or trainer...I learned so much from the classes I took and my two really are pretty well behaved in spit of my short comings...Lin

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I feel your pain of those sharp little needle teeth.  I had forgotten how sharp those little things are!  I have had Scotties for some time; after the loss of my sweet heart last year to cancer, I couldn't bare to get another Scottie. Just before Christmas the kids pitched in and got me a little Teddy Bear puppy and boy did he have the sharp little teeth. He is a chewer and we learned quickly to put things we didn't want chewed, up or away.

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Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your dog. :(   We had to put down our lab last year, and I said - no way to another one.   Then, 2 days later I was lonely and looking. It was the best thing ever.  We got Jasper a month later.  I highly recommend crate training as a place for quiet time and to protect your house from destruction.  My dog loves his crate and goes there freely.    Also -  for bathroom brakes, we trained Jasper to stick his nose on a bell by the door to indicate he wants out.   (now he just rattles the blinds with his nose because the bell got annoying)    The teeth are very very sharp - make sure you have lots of chews -   we chose Nylabone brand toys -  keys, bones, etc and they really really helped.  As soon as he 'mouths',  trade your hand/object for a nylabone toy to indicate that is where the chewing is to be done.   Invest now with your time and training and later on will be so much easier.   Socialize alot - take pup to the off leash areas as much as possible, as early as possible.     I really loved the early stages of training with our pup - except the late night pee breaks! ugh! ;-)

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