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Rolls or Packages of Batting

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I have a question for those of you that quilt for a business.  Do you all buy the large rolls of batting or do you ever use the pkg's of batting.  I don't quilt for money and most of my quilts are for myself or as gifts.  I normally buy Hobbs 80/20 in packages as I do a quilt.  Sometimes I use polyester batting in the package.  I normally buy from Joann's when the batting is on sale or I have a coupon that will work.


The large rolls would be nice but I don't have room to store it (quilting machine is in living room) and wife would have a fit if she thought I was spending that much money at one time for batting.  LOL


Just curious.



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I use batting on a roll.  Hobbs 80/20 is my most popular.  Although I do quilt as a business, I used to buy it on a roll when I bought for just myself, and now I find that some of my customers buy batting from me because it is cheaper to buy that way (usually) because you only buy what you need and the batting lies flatter that the ones out of a package.  You don't have to buy a whole bolt, but if you have some space (I have a crawl space in my house), then it is there when you need it and will last 10 - 15 quilts (there are 30 yards on a bolt).

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I also only quilt for myself and for my church missions, and I buy the rolls, echoing others that is is less expensive, less waste and lays flatter.  I do purchase packaged batting at times though.  I just bought a package of the new Warm and Plush to see how it quilts up.  Will use it in a quilt probably next week after it lays around to get the folds out of it.

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I just bought 3 rolls of Hobbs batting from LEQ Thursday.  A friend and I drove up to McKinney and picked them up. (she bought 1)   I do some commission quilting, she doesn't.  It's surprising how quickly she'll go through a roll.  I bought a roll of 80/20 natural 96", a roll of 80/20 black 108", and a roll of wool.   You can check her web site for the prices and compare the costs with what you buy.  (MTW, I do not allow my customers to provide batting - I provide it so I am sure of it's performance)


Aside from the cost savings, the real reason I buy rolls is that they have much fewer wrinkles in them.  The bagged batting drives me crazy with all it's wrinkles.  I do have a place to store them.  I've built racks that hang from my ceiling for the 96" and the 108" rolls.  I also built a vertical standing rack for the 120" roll.  Besides that I have a large closet in my quilting room that I store extra rolls in.


Shipping costs are an issue with the rolls.  Making the 120 mile round trip is worth it for us for the shipping savings on 4 or 5 rolls.  There are several longarmers in our guild that use rolls, and whenever one of us makes the trip, everyone who needs batting, buys.  Since you don't have a place to store a roll, bagged batting seems you're only choice unless the wrinkles drive you crazy too.  Jim

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I have purchased roll batting for myself (3 at a time).  Because they come with double plastic wrapping I have stored some out in the garage until needed, after they were opened I would remove the cardboard roll/core and put it in a extra large Rubbermaid tote.  We live in an A-frame and some of those rolls were stored in the edge of the living room floor/wall where I couldn't put anything else.  That winter it was great to have there as insulation--too bad I don't have some there this week, I could use the warmth!



I don't do quilting as a business.

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Interesting reading about the growing polydown!  I just got my first roll of hobb's 80/20.  I am working on using up my packaged but was thinking I should get a roll of polydown and a roll of wool too....but it sounds like I need to clear more stuff out on second floor room before I get the polydown.  I will get my exercise as I am planning on keeping my batting in the "attic" which is the room where my sister and I used share when we were kids.  I use it mainly for storage now..ok I have a lot of fabric up there too!  Lucey is in the basement but being an unfinished basement, I don't really want to store batting down there so I will run up 2 sets of stairs to get the batting...maybe I will lose a few pounds....my brother has offered to help me figure out some sort of a roll holder that I can easily cut the batting off from...I can not get batting rolls locally around here but a local quilt shop did a run to the cities and I was able to get the roll of Hobbs.  There is also a shop about 125 miles from me where I can get some too so will be planning a trip down there although the price they gave me for delivery was not that bad as they make runs up here sometimes...but gotta use up some of that odd and end packaged stuff.  Lin

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I like rolls because packaged batting can be a pain.  Personally.  But that doesn't mean if I wanted to save a few bucks or just have a small amount of a certain batt on hand I wouldn't by packaged batting, but if I can buy a roll I'd rather go that route.  Just the way I do it!  :)  I also quilt for business so I need a lot of batt on hand.  If I only quilted for me I'd honestly use the bagged poly from Walmart unelss it was a show quilt!  No batting snobs here!  ;)

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