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Bummed out today

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I am so bummed out. First off it's my birthday and not a single soul that I have seen all day has even mentioned it, including my own family. Secondly, I found out yesterday afternoon that we can't get financed for a new APQS machine because we had a bunch of financial trouble 9 years ago. Thirdly, I still have to work at my crappy job since I haven't got any quilt customers right now.

Sorry, just had to whine to somebody who cares. You guys are the greatest. Whenever anybody asks me where my best friends live I tell them they live in many places, but we talk every day through the computer.

Thanks for listening.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY Theresa, I think I would be more worried about what

might happen later today. Maybe you will have a big suprise waiting.

I gave up on birthdays. I don't even think about them. I have a hard

time remembering my kids birthdays. Thankfully they won't let me



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Thanks guys.

I really wasn't trying to solicit birthday wishes, just needed to cry on somebody's shoulders.

Michele, a big surprise later would be great, but I'll go home to an empty house when I get off work. The only people I'll see tonight will be the chickens, cows, and horse.

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Happy Birthday Teresa!!!!

My mom and dad forget mine every year and yes, it does hurt my feelings. To be honest, they would forget my brother's and sister's also but I am always around to remind them. Too bad my siblings don't return the favor!

While I can't say my job is crappy, I sure am tired of working full time and not having any time to play. I think about retiring but my financial planner usually tells me to quit whining and get my butt back to work. :D

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My job is not really that crappy either, I'm just having a bad day; and since it's the end of the school year the kids are acting like heathens. They have summer fever, and we still have 2 weeks and 2 days to go. I don't know I will make it or not.

I know what you mean about working full time and not having time to play. I still have 4 quilts to do for QOV, and haven't had the time. I hope to finish those this weekend and then make some little stuff to take to the Ripley Tomato Festival which happens in June or July. It is a week long festival with a parade, carnival, arts and crafts show, and car show. I plan to rent a vendor space this year.

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Happy Birthday Teresa!!!!!!!!

I am sorry you are having a bad day. I hope it gets better as the day goes on.

You can always count on us to be there for you :)

Try not to let the financing thing get you down, I applied for my business loan last Friday afternoon and still have not heard anything yet, so you may have company feeling sad about not taking the quilting to the next level. For the past week I haven't been sleeping much because I have been thinking about the loan, & the changes I want to do to my business. So each day I am getting more and more "witchy" if you know what I mean.


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Happy Birthday to YOU...

Happy Birhtday to YOU...

Happy Birhtday dear Teresa....

Happy Birthday to YOOUUU!!

How's that!

I know how to wish you a happy birthday, I don't know how to cheer you up...only to say, chin up little friend, I'm sure things will get better.

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I was talking to my HORSES a little while, ago and they told me....... To pass it on to you that your horses and the rest of the critters from your farm said to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM THEM.

Oh yea, HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me too.

I hope it turns out to be a better one then you think!!!!!!!!!

Donna Gale Hays

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Teresa....Now I feel like a horses hinny....talk about stupid. HERE'S WISHING YOU A HUGE HUGE Birthday wish and hug....

I know how it feels to be sorta forgotten on your birthday. I was traveling to MQX on mine, and no one said anything, no phone calls from family or anything. The whole week just seemed like no one cared about it and then when I got home I had a lovely quilt block from you, and three messages from family saying Happy Birthday.

Well, I had best get busy with those as well...putting yours on top.

Bummer, did you try the financial suggestions of APQS or did you use your own bank? Something will come around, I'm sure. If there is a will there is always a way....somethings they just come slower than we want them to.

Happy Birthday my Tennessee Friend.

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Hi Teresa. Happy Birthday! I am sure that something good will come from the disappointments. Be patient...it will happen! I don't know what to say, but when you go home tonight, get your barnyard britches on, grab yourself a "porkchop in a bottle," and go hang out with the chickens, horse and cow. Have yourself a birthday toast, sing yourself the happy birthday song as loud as you can at the top of your lungs, and then look at the expression on the animal's faces and trust me I think you will get a good giggle out of it. ;)

Shana (who's always the optomist)......:P

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I know the bummer of finacial woes. When I tried to be financed for my machine no one wanted to touch it, our credit scores are high enough but our debt to profit ratio is to high. I planned on quilting to lower that. I found a leasing company that would do it. When the lease is done the machine is mine. It has been working out well so far. They are Five Point Capitol and I worked with Corey Donohue.

Oh by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

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Happy Birthday, Teresa!

When I have a day like this (which I'm sure we all do!) maybe you just need to curl up with a good book and escape your troubles! I don't know exactly what a "porkchop in a bottle" is...but if it's what I think it is, maybe that would help, too!

There was a recent post about financing and there seemed to be good suggestions...

Have a better day.......Sandra

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Hippo birdie two ewes,

Hippo birdie two ewes,

Hippo birdie two ewes Theresa,

Hippo birdie two ewes!!! (Stolen from an old greeting card, with apologies to the creator and company I can't remember) Supposed to have pictures of hippo's, birdies, and ewes.... you'll just have to imagine.


I canNOT believe there's a bank that won't give somebody a loan. They are all RAVING to give loans out, especially to people with bad credit (not that you have bad credit, but if they'll give it to people with bad credit I'd think they'd give it to people who once had a problem 9 years ago). Try another bank, by all means. Good grief!

Don't let it keep you down. You have a special talent, and when people have a gift they will find the means. GO FOR IT, GIRL!!! We're right behind you all the way (or should that be "right beside you"....? :D )

P.S. I would make a bright pink (or your favorite color) paper hat and put in glitter across the front: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY, AND I DESERVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM YOU!!! Or something more subdued, if you like. LOL! Because you DO!

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Well, Teresa, Happy and blessed birthday. I am so sorry you feel forgotten. I am hoping there is a surprise waiting for you somewhere this day. But we all wish you a happy birthday and blessed year. new things to look forward to, and newjoys to experience.

As far as your financing goes, I have learned the very very hard way if God is not opening a door wide enough for me to go through, I better not push it open anyway, Even if I am disappointed and not patient enough to wait for His perfect timing, I better take heed of the little "stop sign" Perhaps He has a plan that will be less expensive with interest rates or a very good and less expensive barely used machine that will cost less that you can get better financing for. I am saying this, because I did not listen to the checks and "no's not at this time" that were coming my way when I bought my Millie, now I am stuck with a very large payment (because we borrowed enough to get the CQ and then ended up having to spend too much gettign the shop ready so didn't have enough left, no customers, having to work more hours at my job and now a husband unemployed. So wish I would have waited until I had a green light. You are very talented, I love to see your quilts, and it will happen for you, trust in that.

Now go have big glass of iced tea and swing in a swing, read a good book and go pet the horse, that sounds like a wonderful day to me.


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