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Mary Beth,

So glad to hear all went well yesterday. What a beautiful baby girl! I know you\'ll be sooo busy now helping Jen "hold" her all the time. I find I have trouble sharing lap time when everybody is at our house and all the grandkids are there. Of course I usually have at least 2 grandbabies on my lap. LOL

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I just got home from the hospital. Everyone is doing so well. I held Haylee the whole time I was there. She makes the cutest faces!! She sucks on the inside of her bottom lip, just as Jen did and still does when she is sleeping. Isn\'t it funny how they pick up these things. Jen said looks like Bama will be doing lots of babysitting. Couldn\'t take pictures of Jen and Haylee yet....Jen has to do her hair! Jen was eating today, that is strange to see, and it stayed down!! Look out!!

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Congrats to you all!!! I\'m sure Jen is glad it is over and she won\'t be sick anymore. That is one cute little girl!! She will knock the socks off the little boys.......you sure can see the sparkle in those bright eyes. Grandpa and Grandma are very proud and you sure can see that Daddy is very happy holding " the apple of his eye". Can\'t wait to see pics of Mom with her little daughter too.......she is one lucky little girl to have sooooo many people love her.


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Glad to hear Jen is finally eating and actually keeping it down......I\'m sure she is happy about that too. About the babysitting.........I\'m sure you aren\'t going to mind one little bit;).....what time are you going back to the hospital to hold her again????:D:D Just have to kid you Mary Beth.

Give hugs to Jen and Haylee for me and I am keeping you all in my prayers.


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Congratulations, Mary Beth! She is a beautiful baby. She looks so tiny after just holding Keira. Haylee is bigger than all four of my grandchildren, but she still looks tiny.

Tell Jen that the next three weeks will be the toughest. After that, things will get easier. At least that is the way it was for me with all of my babies.

This is the advice that I gave my two daughters when their babies were born, "You will be given lots of unasked for advice about how to take care of your baby. Thank the person that offered it. Then.....do what you believe is best for you and your baby. You are her parents and you will know what is best for her."

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Okay, got some better pictures of her face.

The doctor thinks that Haylee\'s foot could be a club foot. We will take her back to see him on Tuesday and he will examine her further and give some more advise on what he thinks they should do. If he thinks they need to he will be sending them to a surgeon to take a look at it. Of course Jen is worried sick. Charles keeps telling her if that is all it is, then it is no big deal. He is just so excited that she is healthy.


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