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DH's latest report

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I just wanted to let you all know that Bill\'s latest CT scan confirmed that the pancreatic tumor is gone. And the Dr is calling it a miracle! PTL ! He also said that this gives to all the patients as well as the oncologists the hope that they need to continue. Thank you to all you prayer warriors out there as we know it has made a huge difference in our lives. No way to say Thank You enough. May He bless you for your faithfullness.:):)

Unless something changes in his outcome, & I hope that it doesn\'t, this will be the last post on my DH\'s cancer.

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Patty Jo,

How absolutely miraculous! Wonderful prognosis!

OK, tell me how you did it..... My dear friend\'s DH has about 3-5 months to live and has pancreatic cancer.... if I could give her any hope or an idea of what you and your DH did, I would be ever so thankful... It\'s soooo hard especially during this season....

Please let me know!

Thanks and GOD BLESS you Both!

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Patty Jo that is just so awesome. When things like this happen I just do not understand how anyone cannot believe we have a loving God. Even when the love of my life died at the ripe age of 32 I knew God still had a plan. I have amazing children and a good life. I am so glad for you. I cannot wait for you to come up (or me to make it down, whichever comes first!!)


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Patty YEA, WHOOPPEE, PRAISE TO OUR GOD. I am so excited for you. It has been awhile since I even had time to linger so am so far behind in all the news. I had to share with everyone at work about the power of prayer and your miracle. They all think I am a little strange but they have to admit there must be something about prayer they don\'t understand.

Have a wonderful holiday and tell Bill hi for us.

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