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Deep breath--it's Christmas Eve

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It\'s now almost 6:30 pm here on the West coast. Dinner is done. Packages are wrapped and under the tree. I have a mug of hot chocolate at my elbow with a candy cane as a stirrer.

All is calm...all is bright.

Merry Christmas to all the wonderful friends I have made here. Love to you all.

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I\'t\'s nearly 6:00 PM Alaska time and DH & I are hanging out at home with the three German shedder dogs...got logs in the wood stove and it\'s near time for our "traditional\' Christmas eve meal. Each Christmas eve, I go all out and get specialty cold cuts, specialty cheeses, breads, spreads, pickled veggies and yummy munchies -- all sorts of cute little things that I normally don\'t splurge on -- and best of all...some very nice bottles of wine and specialty beers, too. It\'s really fun to eat this light meal and really pig out, drink merrily, and the best part is, hardly any dishes to do afterwards.

What is it about you folks here who are regulars (and even the lurkers) who visit this chat? You all are just super terrific people, and I hold you in the highest regard. Sending you all nice thoughts and thanks for being my friends...you are the best!


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Finially, I am all ready for tomorrow and just popped in to let everyone know how wonderful it is to be a part of this wonderful group. How much richers our lives are to have all of this great friendship.

We have many blessings this year. The best is that we still have our beautiful Granddaughter here with us. She is the one that had the heart attack last Aug and has so many proplems since then. We\'re still praying for that miracle.

Wishing you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS . May you all have love, joy and piece now and through out the coming year. With many blessings.



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On the East coast it is now 11:20PM. I have all my gifts wrapped and my cookies in gift boxes; a brunch casserole made for the morning and a dessert for after dinner made. Tonight, I made a simple chicked casserole for dinner; just a few dishes to clean up. It was quiet. Just DH and DS here.

In the morning we (my DH and 20 year old DS who lives at home yet) will be going to my DD\'s/DSIL\'s for brunch. My granddaughter is 17 months old today, so we will enjoy Christmas with a toddler. She is my only grandchild, although my daughter is expecting again on Jan. 26th (would have been my Dad\'s 98th b\'day). After that I will drive to my mother\'s house and then take her and my sister to visit my brother for dinner. After I finally get home, I will run to a friend\'s house for a Christmas drink (or two). Tomorrow will be busy; I\'m glad:) Full of family and friends.

But, tonight, I am finally sitting here with my second glass of wine, and my wonderful quilting friends on this site.

I wish everyone here a wonderful Christmas. Hugs to you all.


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It\'s about 9:30 PM in Dublin, CA. Am sitting here watching George C. Scott in "The Christmas Carol". Not my favorite version, but it will do. Will be leaving soon for midnight Mass. They\'ll have a sing-along before Mass and I\'ll be bawling like a baby. Christmas carols have made me cry ever since I left home. My DH and DD make such terrible fun of me!!!

Also, I decided to say Merry Christmas this year instead of Happy Holidays. So, Merry Christmas to everyone and blessings of this wonderous season to you all. I\'ve learned so much from you and I thank you. Looking forward to learning more in 2008.

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It is 10:36 in Durango Colorado. I was looking out the window to see if I could see Santa and what to my wondering eyes did appear! Two very large Racoons eating birdseed which had been dropped on the ground. Earlier there was a Buck (deer) using his atlers to dump the bird seed on the ground so he could have his Christmas Eve snack. He must have left some for his friends.

My husband and I are enjoying a glass of eggnog and watching Santa Claus 3.

I too want to thank everyone on the Chat for being such wonderful, caring and sharing individuals. I hope the new year holds great things for each and every one of you and your families. Merry Christmas to you all.

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Yes, this is an incredible place to come, created of people who truly want just to help one another get through their daily trials, even if they\'re NQR! I just got home from our church\'s Christmas Eve Service, with the mandatory "Children\'s Program," which makes all the parents and grandparents laugh - and cry. We\'ll put our feet up and have a glass of wine or eggnog, and appreciate the fact that both our sons are home, even if just for a couple of days.

May each and every one of you have a wonderful Christmas Season, filled with all the joy and love that you all deserve. I am so thankful to be able to share some time each day with this wonderful group of people, and I look forward eagerly to the coming New Year, with all its possibilities, and, yes, potential problems. I know where to come to look for solutions and encouragement now!

God bless us, every one!

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Hi all! Well Christmas Day is nearing the end here in Australia, it is 5pm here in Melbourne and has been a wonderful day so far! We went to midnight service last night and the kids were straight into bed when we got home, then Santa brought a trampoline this year so hubby and I were up until 3am putting it together in the dark in the back yard trying not to make enough noise to wake the entire neighbourhood! We had to wake up the kids (8 and 6 yrs old) this morning when it reached 9:30am and there was still no sign of them, hubby and I couldn\'t wait any longer to open the pressies!

We don\'t run to a set timetable here on Christmas day, and so started breakfast at around 12ish after all the pressies were opened, croissants with strawberry jam and juice. Lunch started around 2:30ish with roast turkey, ham, roast vegies, yum! Had a bit of a nap outside in the sunshine this afternoon, just what I needed! The plum pudding will be just about cooked now and will make an appearance very soon I think, along with custard and yummy double cream! We won\'t bother with tea tonight, I think it will be an early night for us all!

Hope you are all enjoying a happy and safe Christmas!


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Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

I hope everyone has a fabulous day.

It\'s 5:55 AM on Christmas and I am up before my kids. LOL I\'m debating on a little pay back and waking them up. They are 6 and 12. I heard them get up at 4AM-ish, it looks like they sorted out their gifts and went back to sleep. Funny kids.

Many blessings to you and yours.


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Merry Christmas everyone. Joy to you all this blessed day!

We had our Christmas yesterday after veggie soup, homemade bread, shrimp and dip, then we went to 9:00 pm Christmas eve service. It was so much fun and I count my billions of blessings.

I got crocs and an MP3 player from my daughters and SIL. They wanted my quilting business to me more fun than it already is.

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Good morning and Merry Christmas to everyone!

I\'m being "serenaded" by my dog\'s new squeeky toy over coffee. We\'ll head out to my mom\'s for a huge Christmas breakfast soon, open stockings there, then about 3 miles to my brothers for presents. Yes, the brother and family are coming to mom\'s because "it\'s tradition!" for the kids to have breakfast with Santa socks at grandma\'s.

A very joyous season to everyone here. You are some of the most wonderful people I have ever had the pleasure to talk to. Thank you for your support, your laughter and your friendship. I wish everyone a healthy and happy 2008.


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I hope that you all have joyful memories of this beautiful Christmas day.

Last night after Christmas eve services, we went for a drive around town looking at all the beautiful lights and there was a full moon that was so bright. Then this morning we woke up to huge snow flakes falling (didn\'t stick - darn). Almost like a holiday movie!!!!

This Christmas has been a total blessing to us and our family. Not for the things that we received but for the gift of life that was given to my DH. May 2008 be a year of blessing to each of you and your families.

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I missed wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. So a late Merry Christmas to you all!!

We taveled to Springfield Friday evening, trying to beat the snow that was coming here in the overnight hours. We had a wonderful time visiting with my parents. We ate way too much food for our Chistmas dinner with them and all of the relative that came over on Saturday evening. My sister\'s children and their children were there and I had not seen my niece in over 5 years, so I was able to meet her children. So cute! We attended my son\'s church on Sunday and my grandchildren\'s Christmas program. Kids are so cute in those programs. We were back home on Sunday night and Monday was a marathon of baking, baking and more baking. We went to the Christmas Eve service at our own church then all of our children here in KC came for our Christmas together. DH had smoked some chickens and brisket so that we had sandwhiches for dinner and lots of goodies. Then DH and I watched Haylee on Christmas Eve night so mom and dad could get a good nights sleep and we got up and ate and ate again:P

Finally, the eating is over and today we go back to the gym;)

You all are the best group of ladies ever. I have visited other chat rooms, but never joined in the chat - I know - you can\'t believe that - but it is true. You all are like family!!

Love ya all,

Mary Beth

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