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My guild's 2008 raffle quilt

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Here\'s my latest quilt project. The pattern is called "Springtime Memories and Backyard Fun"

This is my quilt guild\'s 2008 raffle quilt. It\'s a block of the month row quilt. I chose the pattern this year (from my multitude of patterns in my stash). Our guild members picked rows and pieced them together, then we added the green sashing and outside borders and I quilted it. It was a fun and challenging project for our quilt group to accomplish, but I think everyone is pleased. We really had a great time piecing it together. A true "team effort!" It is made from a variety of batik fabrics.

I took it home last weekend and put the outer borders on. Because a lot of people worked on it, it wasn\'t exactly flat, but after some easing (and I mean serious EASING) in the borders with a gazillion pins I was able to get those B and C cups to lay down for me... (whew!!) ;) I stared at each row and let it speak to me, then I just went for it freehand using a variety of threads, Rainbows and cotton. It was fun to quilt and of course, I learned a lot in the process.

If you\'d like to see more, here is a link to my web site with thumbnail photos.

Does anybody have ideas for the sunshine row? I am completely stumped and I\'m afraid to ruin it with quilting so I just did SID around the sun rays. I would appreciate any feedback or ideas from you seasoned quilters... :)



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Shana-baby--That is splendiferous!!

What a great joint project. Bet you are the darling of the guild now!

I especially love your stitching in the green sashing. It all looks so fun and colorful. I hope you make lots of money on the raffle. I want some tickets on that baby and would gladly mosey on up to pick it up if I win!

Please post more pics when you are finished and a shot of the entire quilt would be great!

Good, good, good job--you should no longer use "newbie" in reference to yourself!!!

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Thanks for the kind words and support you all give here.

Debbi. I am also considering McTavishing in a light blue/white thread that blends with the sky fabric. What do you think about that?

I agree with you on the quilting in sashing -- it is super fast and easy and looks GREAT in the borders! :) Myrna taught me that snappy little design (among many others!)

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Oh I gotta add something here... It\'s Sunday and the football playoffs... both games in Boston and Green Bay -- those places are COLDER than here in my little town in the way up north country! It\'s around zero down there with wind chill factor, it\'s in the sub zero temps... and you ask what is it at my house right now? It is 20 above zero! I\'m warmer than they are! :D

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Sandy, you said it! Yes, let\'s just say that everyone\'s 1/4" is a little different! When sewing the rows together, we did have to make adjustments so that all the rows equaled the same length. A little bit of work there, and we got that done! I was expecting that, so not a big deal. But I sure did have a challenge putting on the outer borders. I measured down the middle and cut my borders to fit and I had a doosie of a time easing those in to fit, but with a little tenacity and determination, and a lot of pins, I did it! It went on the frame nice and straight and flat; no bumps or B & C cups to deal with. Quilting it went pretty easy with no issues, and I did not have to resort to BFSM, but I was armed and ready to if that was necessary!! ;)

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Oh Shana! My oh my girlfriend......You are definitely one composed quilter. And I agree... a newbie your "NOT"!!!

I love the pattern you chose for your guild.

Now, may I ask, where can we send payment if we want to be added into the raffle? Cuz, honey....i\'d sure like to have my name in for that drawing!! And to be able to say YOU quilted it...well, that in itself would make me a very proud owner of that guild quilt!

Just tell me, how much the tickets are and where to send it to....

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That\'s a really cute quilt, Shana. I love the variety of quilting stitches that have been used all around. Gives the quilt a lot of interest. The colors are bright & cheery; your execution of designs is the perfect touch!

The quilt should make good dollars for the guild. Thanks for sharing!




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Your raffle quilt turned out wonderfu. I love your quilting. Girlee you are not a beginner. I saw that when we were at Myrna\'s together. You were freehanding designs in circles around me. I know your Guild will make a ton of money on this darling quilt.

Chug sends a big Hello and is ready to have breakfast together again.

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