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UFO finishing frenzy ???

UFO finishing frenzy ???  

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I have been possessed with finishing all my UFOs. I even made myself make a quilt with some ugly dark colored fabric that I mistakenly bought on ebay. It\'s like I\'m paying quilt penance. I have some beautiful fabrics I\'ve been collecting but it seems I can\'t bring myself to hardly cut any until I make a big dent on the unfinished things. Then to top it off I purchased some vintage tops on ebay to finish as if I didn\'t have enough things to practice on.It\'s kind of like I want to clear the creative air. Does anyone else experience this feeling. I\'m quite bogged down in some ways I\'ve been quilting since 1999 seriously. One can start lots of projects in that amount of time. I love classes but now I just worry that I\'ll start another UFO. I\'m also having a blast knocking them off the UFO list. Love to hear how others deal with the UFO issue.

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Cheryl, I try to keep my UFO stash to a minimum, too. I do get a sense of satisfaction finishing those things that have been lying around for a few years. I have a few hanging out there but not too many. Have fun regardless...even if you want to take another class just do that, too.

PS: I have seen people selling some of their UFOs on ebay...like they complete a few blocks of the BOM and then give up. That\'s an option for you I suppose...

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I balance the good with the bad and the ugly... and it is a relief to get those dog fabrics turned into useful work. I have found that some of the dog fabrics and UFO\'s only need a different border of change of set tomake them masterpiece worthy after all. Yeah, I hear you on quilt penance. My husband swears the government should give us extra energy credits for all the fabric that is insulating my house!!! I have made a dozen charity lap quilts this month, and the nursing ome that got them was thrilled!

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So many UFO\'s, so little time! A friend of mine is going to try this ~ she\'ll allow herself to start a new project for every 2 ufo\'s that are completed, this way she figures she\'s not denying the urge to start something new which she feels would set her up for failure. Sounds good but I have yet been able to put it into practice :o

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UFO\'s are too many to count, but as soon as I have finished quilting the last of my customer quilts I will start on UFO\'s (of course there will be new projects in there too:P)

One year...many years ago...I got the UFO bug and quilted 14 quilts (mostly lap size from October through Dec) and that was before I had my LA. Boy, did I ever feel accomplished...have I ever gotten bitten again by the UFO bug? :D:P Nope...but sure do wish it would happen. My UFO\'s have expanded to knitting projects, fleece needing to be spun as well as quilting and some needlework.


PS...I think I need to be a cat with 9 lives!!:):D:P

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I have seven cats with nine lives each and they mostly sleep. So that probably isn\'t the solution. Cats are helpful in covering up UFO\'s by sleeping ON them, thus obscuring them from needing work. Who wants to disturb a peaceful kitty?!

March is make it new month, and April can be showers of UFO\'s being finished.

Have a great day, fellow Virginian.

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Made a new Year\'s resolution - finish 1 UFO, get to start something new. Should have done like someone in a previous post. Finish 2, start one new project. However, I am starying even with finish one - start a new one. Think making lap quilts for nursing home is probably a very good idea to get rid of no longer desired fabrics.


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I don\'t have any UFO\'s to do. But I do seem to have alot of ideas rattling around in my head that I never seem to have time to do. Where does the time go.........Oh yeah, cooking, cleaning, laundry, kids. My son has 3 UFO\'s currently taking up space in my fabric cubbard. Yet he is always bored, he\'s only 10.

Good luck to all of you at finishing your UFO\'s!!!!!!!!


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Several years ago we had a UFO evening at our quilt group. I won! I had the greatest number and the oldest UFOs. I have half embroidered napkin holders that I started age 7 andhave never finished (age 52), it is now a matter of honour to never finish them!. I have a shawl I was knitting for my firstborn daughter, she is now 28, I finally threw it away last week as we have had mice in the attic so it never got finished.

Another group I belong to had a good idea. They all swapped UFOs. That way they got finished as, to the person who completed it , it felt like a new project. One of these days I\'m going to make an "I went to a workshop" quilt and include all the half made odd sized blocks that I\'ve started at different workshops. I still have acres of strips sewn together from a Nancy Crow week which I will find a use for one day soon. One problem is that your tastes in fabric/colours changes over the years, still if I wait long enough my UFOs will come back into fashion eventually.

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I\'ve got about 10 UFO\'s so not as many as some, but I too have made a determination that I can NOT buy anymore fabric until I finish them. Except that I keep having exceptions to the rule and slip in a fabric or 5 every chance I get. See, no discipline at all.:)

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On another board I belong to, we choose 11 UFO\'s each year and number them. Then on the first of every month someone picks a number and we have to finish that UFO that month. We have December off because there are usually last minute things to work on for Christmas. Of course with February being the shortest month, the number chosen was a quilt with the most work left. I haven\'t finished it yet but I am motivated. The March number is a very small top that I should be able to quilt up in a real hurry.


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but we don\'t have 21 months in a year!!:P:D You need to relax and think about this. This is March, and it\'s already the 5th so too late to start now :D We should start April 1st. That means we only have 9 months to get 6 done. We could say 8 if that would make you feel better, that way we don\'t work on them in December like Holly said. Are you calmer now? Twenty one??? What in the world?? I haven\'t counted mine. If I have never cut the fabric do they count as UFO\'s or is that still stash...even if I bought the fabric with a specific quilt in mind???

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I am seriously out of control on the UFO front...I have counted 42 so far:D...and there are a few more if I dig deeply enough...is there a support group?:P;) Just need to reign in on starting new projects...LOL...wish me good luck because I will need it.

Linda, I have one cat and she hasn\'t made any plans to share a one of her extra lives with me...she is fighting her own battle with chronic kidney failure:(...she is holding her own and we hope to have her around for a little longer:)


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UFO\'s! Yikes I\'d be afraid to count but would love some support to get working on them! Count me in for the 8 for the rest of the year! My DH had our garage attic converted into a quilting/sewing studio and while moving my sewing room last month I discovered many UFO\'s :o that I\'d completely forgotten about. It was much easier to move my Mille than the fabric stash and \'stuff\', too many trips up the stairs!

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It\'s not a UFO if the fabric isn\'t cut. It is only a project waiting to be started Mary Beth. My sister, Carla and I were just talking about this very thing and she has 52 UFO\'s.....I just about fell off my chair laughing. I couldn\'t believe someone could have soooooo many. I have 2 UFO\'s that I can think of but I have 4 or 5 quilt tops I have to quilt that I made a yr. ago, and I have maybe 25 to 30 projects waiting to get started but not cut.


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Holy Cow!! It is an epidemic!! What are we going to do with you all. I have a few, probably 3 that are actually cut out and I\'m working on. I have a few that I need to get started on. There must be something wrong with me :o I must not be a real quilter :( I need to get up to speed here....I need to go shopping and get cuttin:D

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Epidemic for sure!!

Since our upstairs is basically "glorified, climate controlled storage" one of the two guest rooms was turned into the UFO/WIP/PIPS (projects in PRETTY sacks) ROOM! It is wonderful. Do I get them done? Sure enough!!! That closet is filled with 18" drapery hangers that have the top, backing, binding, and label all ready to go. I\'m my best customer by scheduling myself in one to two times per month.

The bed, walls, quilt racks, pine chest, double school desk are stacked with completed quilts. The two armoirs upstiars are full. Next? I\'m taking the doors off the china hutch in the dining room to start to fill that up inside and out!

Like chocolate . . . you can NEVER have too many quilts!!

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I\'m so glad I started this thread. Now I know I\'m not alone. Ha Ha I actually went to the Road to California and only bought one yard of fabric due to my large stash from other trips to the Road and others. Thread is not on the no buy list though. Ha Ha

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Hey Girls, I have started a new trend, I call It leftovers. I take any leftover blocks and sew them together. No matter what the size or color.At random, with out any pattern in mind. I get a few blocks ahead and sew them on.It is ecclectic(spelling) lol. But good enough for anyone to call their quilt. U started to panic because there was a large dark square, then a lot of light, bright colors, but I reminded myself no plan. LOL Carol:D:P

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Let\'s see, 24, 52, well that isn\'t too bad as far as I am concerned. I have 88 quilting UFOs. That is down from the 101 that I had a couple of years ago. We have a UFO group in my local guild and I have managed to finish between 12-18 each year for the past 3 years. Of course, since I also teach quilting classes, I added a few new projects so my net each year wasn\'t as big as the number I finished.

Currently 35 of those just need quilting and binding. I have scheduled myself in between customer quilts, so am hoping to finish all those this year.

I say we should start a UFO group here. Anyone else game? When you get one done, you post a picture so we can all see that you have finished it.

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I\'m game! Just while reading this topic thread, I could think of 13 UFOs at home and I am at work. Imagine if I were home and could actually look around! One year I made a New Year\'s resolution that I would not start anything new until I finished all my UFOs. Well, that didn\'t work at all. The next year I resoved to not start a new project until I finished one new one. That worked better but then I didn\'t always finish the new ones that I started. Anyway, I would like to participate if we do something.


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I am happy to know that I am in good company with my double digit UFOs. I also like Renae\'s comment that fabric that is not cut is not an UFO. That reduces my UFO status significantly. However, the stash is still just as big. I keep telling myself "no more fabric." Of course I don\'t listen to myself the minute I walk into the LQS and see something I love and just have to have... I am working hard to reduce the UFOs. I also think that they are like rabbits and are multiplying. Who knows what they are up to when they are closed away in the big bins.


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