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Paducah winners circle!! Top ten baby!!!!!

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WOW! What a ride I have been on in the past week! I am still sure someone is going to wake me up and tell me that I was just dreaming all this or they made a boo boo and take back my humongeous win! No kidding friends, I NEVER expected such a huge win!! I am grateful and yes, I definitely accept the award most graciously, but I kid you not, I NEVER expected it!! How do they ever decide, there were so many awesome spectacular quilts on display!! A huge congratulations to all the ribbon winners and participants.

You know how I like to share so I will tell you how this all went down.

My ride down this winners path actually began a few days before the award ceremony when I received a phone call from an AQS staff member.. I cannot possibly tell you who she was or want she said to me ( as once again I was in shock) but I was basically invited to attend the awards ceremony on Tues. the 22nd. I think they were just confirming my attendance. I really tried to be calm cool and collected saying I would be there , thank you and goodbye. HELLO are you kidding me? Reality hit and I thought my gawd this is HUGE!!! I actually skipped out to the garden where my husband was and literally was jumping up and down as I tried to tell him what just happened!! Who knew I could actually jump that high that many times??!! Needless to say there was no sleeping after that and the phone was burning up as I spread my good and mysterious news with friends, family and Tom!!

Tuesday morning finally arrives and I awake at 2 am before the alarm even goes off to catch my plane to Nashville. For once I have no glitches in my transportation and I arrive in Paducah just in time for the awards ceremony. Seeing the winners being called up and seeing the beautiful photographs on the big screen of all the winning quilts was very exciting. I entered in the wall division non traditional. That category came and went and my name was still not called. My heart was pounding now, you could actually see it!!. I am sure I had gone white by then, I was SOOOOO nervous!!

Now they were announcing that they were going to introduce the top 10 ten winners. Are you kidding me?? I was in shock for sure now!! And now the award for best longarm workmanship in the wall division sponsored by Handi Quilter goes to...Sherry Rogers-Harrison for Tribal Fusion!!! I vaguely recall going up the steps and across the stage. Some good looking Handi Quilter president was standing there with a check and a crystal vase. I do recall holding out my hand to shake his {again trying to hold that professional stature}, but opted for a big hug instead! I recall nothing after that!!! I am sure I floated back to my seat. I remained in shock for several days after! What an adventure, one I will never forget, never take for granted and always be grateful for!! Thank you AQS and thank you Handi Quilter!!

Thank you all for your support and accolades before during and after this process. You are all such awesome cheerleaders for each other and me. Keep on paying it forward, I know I plan to!! XXOO

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Way to go Sherry!!! You earned it!!! With such a beautiful quilt - how could you not win?!? We are so very proud of you and love that you share you ideas, info. and photos with us. Thank-you SO VERY much!!! :D You are great!! Congratulations!!!!:D:cool::D

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I am so happy that your beautiful work was recognized in such an honorable & memorable presentation, what a thrill & a rush! :D

Enjoy every minute of this special win, nope your not dreaming either! We hope to see pictures of your trip when you come back to our planet!;)

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Congratulations girl!! How very exciting!! You are such a dramatic storyteller.

Of course if it had been me, it would have been very memorable, I would have fell on the stage and everyone would be talking about it for years to come.

Of course you would be in the top 10 with Tribal Fusion...did you expect less!!?:cool:

Just one request....don\'t sell your APQS for a Handi Quilter just because the President was good looking!!


I vaguely recall going up the steps and across the stage. Some good looking Handi Quilter president was standing there with a check and a crystal vase. I do recall holding out my hand to shake his {again trying to hold that professional stature}, but opted for a big hug instead!

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I know exactly how you feel! You see, I was with a bunch of other ladies and we walked past your quilt and I beamed and felt just as excited as I said, "Oh, I talked with this lady on the phone and I \'almost\' took a class from her" and I told another lady how you did it because she was puzzled. Boy, was I a hot shot. lol

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Congrats, I don\'t know you personally, but I have watched the boards and boy I am excited when you show one of your creations. Like Shana, I too am one of your "groupies"...but since Shana has claim to the number one spot, I will settle for the number two spot...Keep up the great work...you inspire me!!!!

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It looked awesome hanging there. I was really confused, because I couldn\'t find the quilt at first. Then we found it hanging in the special section.

You can bet I put that one down for Viewer\'s choice.

I was explaining to my son how you did it and he was amazed. Some lady standing next to us was listening and looking at me curiously. It was so cool!

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I have two minutes to lurk and I found this and just had to sign in to say CONGRATULATIONS SHERRY. It is so deserved. Your work is just awesome and you have helped so many of us along the way and we are all jumping up and down for you (probably not as high as you jumped though). again Congratulations:D

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