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How Many Projects Do You Have Started

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Mary Beth: In our guild in Panama City, Florida we have tried to find a solution to the mountains of UFOs. We came up with a challenge ( a lists is submitted by each member who wanted to participate)---each time an entry is completed it is marked off--- at the end of the year the top three with the most completed projects--receive an award. I managed to finish eight last year and seven the year before. Our top producers had 13 the first year and 16 the second. It is challenging and fun. Jo-Ellen

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Mary Beth, you're in trouble now. Sheila takes the cake! Cathey looks organized even with her broken dishes. Shana not talking? Would you believe that?

To remove guilt, Sharon Schamber once said in a lecture to buy some fancy boxes and a spool of pretty ribbon. Put an unfinished project in each box along with the directions and all information relating to it, the extra fabric to finish it, and perhaps a note to the person that inherits the box. She said that some projects are not meant to be finished since they represented a time when you were interested in that particular technique and got from it what you wanted. By putting it into a decorated box you provide a nice present to the person that gets it as a gift or inherits it like Cathey got her grandmother's unfinished quilt. You then remove the guilt of needing to complete the quilt.

I just got back from Quilt Camp in the Pines two weeks ago, finished my Hoffman Challenge (see I do finish some things) and now have three unfinished quilts and a beading project. I also have a painting from the February class. Should we stop learning so we can finish quilts?

It's funny that I only have three quilts of mine to show people, and two miniatures. Two are on tour. So many of us give them away as gifts or donations. Or we quilt on other people's quilts and don't have those either.

I have resolved after all this chat reading to sit down and enjoy finishing my favorite class project. So how about we have another Chat thread Mary Beth for one month from today, the 4th of September to post a finished project with pictures? If we don't get one done, then we need to wrap one up in a box with a ribbon and show a photo of the gift to someone.

What do you think?


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I have about 6 unfinished tops, fabric for several more, just need to decide on a pattern, and several patterns I need to get the fabric for. Once I get the gfabric and patterns together I will happily wheel them down the sidewalk so that they can become official UFO's in my Mom's place. All because I just do not sew! Keeps us both happy!

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Oh, it was so nice to read this and realize I am in good company!!! I was beginning to think I was ADD or something. I only have 4 incomplete but after our quilt show in Oct. and my Lenni comes in I plan to actually finish them. And just so you know, I am a bit suspicious about people who won't start another quilt until one is finished. Come to our show. It is the largest in Mississippi. We plan to hang more than 400 quilts. We have state, national, and international show winners in our guild. Oct. 10, 11, 12 in Hattiesburg, MS at the Lake Terrace Convention Center. We are the Pine Belt Quilters and we have a web site so you can check us out.

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I like Vickie's idea, too. Nothing like a bit of competition to get the energy level up. I'm in. I have to quilt my Innovation's entry which has been sitting staring at me for several days. It is just hard to carve out "me" time..

Meet you on the forum in one month with my FINISHED project(s). WooHoo.

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My Guild runs a UFO Challenge each year. At the start of the year (September) we sign up & select 8 UFO projects to complete that year - numbered 1 - 8. Each month we are told which number UFO to complete for next month. The 1st year I stood in my sewing room & just looked around to ID the 8 UFO's. By the time I had counted to 15 & not yet reached the boxes in my closet or the PIGS (Projects in grocery sacks)on the top shelf or counted the unquilted tops in my quilt studio I was too embarrassed to go any further!

My mother only works on 1 project at a time. Why didn't I inherit that gene?

Anne H


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't even want to think about it. Makes me crazy to count and always forget a few but last time I counted ufo's in various stages it was 16. that is the ones that I really intend to finish in this lifetime, there were quite a few more that I have about forgot about and probably will never finish as originally intended. they will either become smaller wall hangings or incorporate the finished blocks into something else or will get donated at silenty auctions for someone else to decide to finish or donate again.

That gadget deal where you add items and send off to the next person could always include orphan blocks. Good way to whittle down your ufo's or get more for those unfortunate ones who have run out of projects, Yeah Right!!! Jeanne

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Ok - I am like everyone else - but I have made headway this year. First of all we moved into a smaller place so I have to be more careful about how much I can store. I also vowed to work through my stash - but you know how that is....... in order to finish something, you have to buy something - border, backing, whatever. Right now I have 10 quilts to be quilted - not planned - just what I made during recovery from a very serious back surgery & waiting for Miss Millie - since Miss Millie arrive, I have only made 2 more quilts and one is done, the other waiting to be quilted.

Now for the quilts/projects in waiting (like ladies in waiting) - nothing cut, just everything nicely stored in 3 - got that? - just 3 drawers - waiting to be cut! I refuse to count. When the 3 drawers are full, then I have to stop shopping for awhile.

So - I am actually feeling pretty good about the UFO's - I will never be caught up, but living in a smaller space had made me more careful about buying and storing................:D

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Well I have actually completed some UFOs this year, nine out of the eleven that I put on my list in January. NOTE: There are way more than 11, that's just what I put on the 2008 elimination list. Of course I have also added a couple UFOs too. I'll have to get some pictures taken for the Sept 4th show and tell.

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PIGS!!!! omg TOO FUNNY!!!!:D:D:P:P:o

I don't have time to count them all either plus there are the fabric 'groupings' from working at my LQS. A really nice fabric would come in and I'd choose seveal others to go with it to make a quilt "someday"! I am actually using one of those groupings for my almost DDIL who asked me to make a quilt for her grandmom.

I love the idea of choosing 8 projects and having to show what we've finished each month, count me in!

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I have 2 tops finished ready to quilt. Another top that needs the borders. And one with the blocks done. When I first started quilting, I thought that I had to finish one before starting another one, mainly because as a newbie I was afraid that I would forget where I left off or forget how to do the pattern, etc. Now, I just get bored with working on the same thing so start working on something else. But now that I am getting a longarm, I'll have to finish something so that I can practice quilting. :D

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Vicki, I like your idea of a contest. I have one of my UFOs almost done, just need to do the hand sewing on the binding and can do that in the car on the way to MN. When I am not driving, of course!

But, alas, I won't be home to post a picture, unless....

I find a wi/fi some where to hook my computer to as I can/will take a picture when I am done.

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