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Now I think I've seen it all - quilt back

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RUN...Run very fast DO NOT LOOK back and if you need to escort her and her quilt to the door...say thank you and slam it very fast.

OMG....and what are you suppose to do with that.....all the Steam in china and all the Starch in Africa WILL NOT FIX THAT.

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:o :o :o :o

Run very fast and very far away from this quilt.

Run Viki, Run!!!!!!

(PS: LOL! I didn't read Bonnie's response until I posted mine...) Too funny.

OMG! YIKES!! Seriously... Fold that puppy up and bag it and ship it back to the customer and say no thanks...perhaps find a nice way to tell her no or suggest another quilter (one that you hate)

Bonnie Botts just called me and found this cartoon on MQ Resource under Carla Barrett's story. Carla Barret is AMAZING!! Wow... I'm a "wanna=be=quilter=like=Carla=someday"....

.... This is from Bonnie


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That's what I call a utility quilt. Just get 'er done and use it. :)

I can hear the interview now:

Do you want custom?

Do you plan to enter this in a show?

Do you want feathers, or geometric designs?

How about SID?

Give me a minute to calculate the cost. . .that would be 50 dollars per square yard plus batting, thread, and an extra 50 to trim the seams and square.

Total $300, fifty percent down and the balance when you pick it up. Oh, I take cash only.

Thank you very much for choosing "Quilt it Quick Quilting Company".


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