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NQR just need a few prayers

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I've really debated about posting here but at this point I just feel like a few extra prayers might help! I am having trouble with my lung again. To make a long story short I had 12 collapsed lungs and I had a rare condition of endometriosis (yes you read that right) in my lungs...yes very odd and very rare, less than 200 cases in 30 years! I tease hubby all the time and say, “See I told you I had PMS to the highest degree!” Well I had a hysterectomy 5 1/2 years ago and my last collapse was the night before my surgery! They weren't going to do the surgery because the anesthesiologist had a fit when I told her it had collapsed! I asked what the worse that could happen and she said she would have to put in a chest tube. Been there done that and told her to do what she had to do but I needed to get on with life!

OK so sometime last week my lung mysteriously collapsed again! I knew what the pain was but kept hoping that I was wrong. Finally on Tues. I went to see the doctor who confirmed my fears. Now I’m talking with my Thoracic surgeon (lung specialist) and OB to see where we should go. I’m bummed about it but keep reminding myself that there are so many people in worse shape than me. Mine just hurts but as long as my lung doesn’t collapse completely it won’t kill me and I'll do anything not to have a chest tube (they really hurt). I’m trying to keep a positive outlook on this but not sure what they will do about it or if this will start to happen every 2 or 3 months again…I’m hoping not! I’m fine and still working, just taking a little extra time because I tire easily. No lifting and I’m trying hard to not overdo it. The surgeon is thinking he wants to do a scope of my lung and take a biopsy. He is currently on vacation but talking with my primary physician. If you guys don’t mind I’d appreciate a little pray just to give my doctors the guidance they need! Thanks.

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Dear Heidi,

I am so sorry to learn this news.... :(

Bless your heart, sweet friend!!

I will definitely keep you in my prayers.

One thought that came to mind about your recent lung collapse... could it be stress related? I know that you are the "energizer bunny" and just go go go go go.. You work full time as a business analyst and you have been putting immense hours on this wholecloth quilt. I think you are over=doing it. It's probably not in your nature to slow down, but please... please... please... in the future... take things in stride and give your body a break and try not to do too many things. I think you push yourself too much!!!!!!!!

((((hugs and prayers to you))))


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Really I don't think it is stress related. Work has been going fine and my quilting really relaxes me more than anything else! The only stress lately is my mother and that is a life long event! The doctor said it may be the scar tissue in my lung. I had a plural abraision in 2002, very painful procedure where they take a brillo pad (you know the green scrubby things) and scrub the inside of your chest cavity. I was in the hospital for 8 days and had 2 chest tubes. It is not a procedure I care to repeat! The theory is that the scar tissue will adhere your lung to the chest cavity. It lasted 9 months. That was when they finally diagnosed it as endometriosis. My OB says that estrogen therapy has a 1 in 100 chance of causing a reoccurance of endometriosis but the question is could it live for 5 1/2 years?! We just don't know. He would be able to write up a pretty good journal! Both he and my surgeon love to give lectures on my case.

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Originally posted by Hollyrw

Heidi honey, I've got you in my prayers. Please don't do anything that could aggravate this. You know, like running a marathon, climbing Everest, etc.


LOL you should hear me huff and puff from just one flight of stairs! I can't imagine if I tried to run! I am still doing my excercising which the doctor says is fine as long as I can tolerate the pain and don't do any lifting. Nothing more 5 pounds! I did sleep in this morning and came to work 2 hours late so I'm behaving!

Bonnie - Thanks hon! You were great to talk to yesterday and I sure hope your week is getting better!

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Heidi, If I were in your shoes I would get scoped and have a biopsy done. Make sure that it is the endometriosis or scar tissue. Is this just one part of a lobe causing you this continual problem or is it more wide spread? As you must already know your lung can self inflate by itself, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it happens soon. I don't mean to place judgement on anyone but I hope to god that you don't smoke. I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. Hang in there.


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Shana & Dianne - not to worry I have the best doctors ever and no I don't smoke, thank God! I would say I played with it as a teenager and doubt I ever had more than 10 cigs and boy am I so thankful! The lung will self-inflate you are right. It can take up to 3 weeks and I can usually tell when it is starting because the pain gets to be less. It has been pretty consistant the last week so still not doing much. I am sure that I will end up with the biopsy. It was very rare that I had this to begin with and I was so blessed to have a doctor who knew anything about it! My first surgeon in NC was good but he didn't create the link. The only reason the 2nd doctor did was because there is another surgeon that has this condition at Albany Med and the week before I went to see this surgeon she had given a lecture on it! What are the odds?! I'm just really hoping this isn't someting that starts to happen every 2 or 3 months like it was. It really drains you. In the meantime I just can't fly! Good thing we are driving to the wedding. That was always my biggest fear. The upper lobe is the one that collapses and my oxygen level stays pretty high. I've been told that I really have good lung capacity. Thanks for all the kinds thoughts!

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Yup mom and brother are still a problem. The last 2 weeks were misserable. I have to tell mom...I guess tonight. Oh I so dread that. I can just hear her now. I hate secrets and lies so I'll be honest. Maybe though she'll quit harping on me about not being compassionate with my brothers! You can be compassionate without making excuses for their behavior is what I keep telling her. I don't buy that it is everybody elses fault so we never see eye to eye! Thanks for the extra prayers!

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