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NQR just need a few prayers

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Aw Heidi.... I'm sending lots of Hugs and more hugs and prayers!

I have asthma myself, and huff and puff around all the time so I can't even imagine having a lung collapse on me! Good thing you don't live upstairs like I do!

Do breathing treatments help? Just thinking about this makes it hard to breathe!!!! We just HAVE to get you better!!!!

Prayers and hugs...

And then don't think about Mom either if you can help it...

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I have 2 levels, actually 3 counting my basement which is where my studio is. I just breath heavy and the heavier I breath the more it hurts. There is no medication that helps, it isn't anything like asthma where you can't get air into your lungs. The pain is worse when I lay down...that is why I don't sleep well. The last 3 nights the pain has woken me up. I can take pain meds but I have such a high tolerance for those they don't seem to help so I don't take them. Eventually it goes back to 100% Right now it is only down 10 - 15% so not too bad. There is a huge difference in 15 - 20% and the pain gets worse. The alternative is a chest tube...NO THANKS! If I get to a point where I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest I'll have no choice. In the meantime I just need to take it easy so that I don't cause it to collapse more. I'm behaving which is really hard for me!!!!!!

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Heidi, Don;t ever hesitate to ask for prayers or just vent here!!! We are family in the best kind of way--- the family you can choose not the one you're born with!!!!!

As for your brothers, try to remember they are doing the best they can with what they have to work with!!!! You do what your best is and don't worry about them. I find that is the best way to deal with people who are disappointing me. Family or not!!!

Take care and I hope your lung is back up and flowing air really soon. Do take care of yourself. That Endo crap is really vicious isn't it!!


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Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear about the medical problems that you are having. I've put you on my list and will be praying for you, the Dr's, and anyone else involved in your treatments. Please take care and don't overdo dear friend. Just know that we are here for you if you need ANYTHING!!! ((((((((Angel Hugs to you)))))))))) :):):)

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Bobbi just so you don't worry....Heidi works Friday's from her home so if she hasn't signed on yet I would guess she is taking advantage of an extra hour of sleep.....

Thinking also of you, but not getting worried yet because you haven't signed on....will check back this afternoon later, as I have to run across the river today.

good your here..you signed on just behind me.....good MORNING sunshine.

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Hey Bobbi and Bonnie - I'm up and trying to pry these eyeballs open. I was actually up before 7 which is almost 2 hours later than I normally get up! Hubby woke me up messing with the dishwasher this morning. Gotta love them! Bonnie is right I get to work at home on Friday's so I can sit in my PJ's as long as I want and just rest. I'm heading up to my home office and hope to get loads done today! I am resting and behaving. I told mom last night about the reoccurance. She handled it well enough and didn't start an arguement with me so that was helpful!

I promise I'll behave! Really what works is for me to remind myself how painful chest tubes are and let me tell you I will do whatever I have to to not have that happen! I'm very thankful that my lungs are so strong. I've never had it collapse more than 20%...did I say that out loud? I've only had 2 chest tubes and don't care to have any more!

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Heidi, I have been thinking of you and your situation since I read your original post. I am glad that you had an uneventful night. My husband had part of his lung removed for something that showed up on a CT scan and ended up with chest tubes for 5-6 days because another part of his lung collapsed during surgery. He was in so much pain from those tubes. The thing that was spotted in his lung turned out to be benign, nothing.

If there is anything I can help you with please let me know.


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Heidi ((((((HugsPRAYERSKisses))))), when PRAYERS goes up BLESSING come down.

As far as family is concern know that sometimes we have to let go and let GOD. Sometimes FAMILY can cause unnecessary stress and that will not help your healing process. Ask me how I know? Let them know that you LOVE them and then proceed with getting your medical issues done and getting through your healing process without their added stress and if you have to without them in your presence. yes, healing is an ALL about me process.

Prayers, Marilynn

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