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Need Prayers and info on New Orleans

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I will be in New Orleans for two weeks. My step daughter is having a double profalactic (spelling) mastectomy. She found out she had the breast cancer gene and had a 90% chance of getting it. Her grand mother and great grand mother and 3 aunts all died in their 50's. I will be staying in a hotel while she is in the hospital . I request your prayers for her too it is a very big operation as they will be doing a reconstruction at the same time.

I will have a little free time so I want to see some sights eat good and of course not miss any great quilt shops. I need your help.

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What a difficult decision that must have been for her! I had a breast reduction but for very different reasons. I don't miss the half they took away though. The surgery is uncomfortable for about a week and then you feel good. With the reconstruction they will be moving muscle tissue so I'm sure she will be a lot more sore. She is on my prayer list!

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Oh Cheryll, I cannot imagine a more horrible operation to go through, but I know this decision was well planned and thought out. I send you and your daughter many heartfelt thougths.

What we women have to go through sometimes just to survive... I think we are so incredibly brave and strong in the soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a happier topic, I've not had the fortunate opportunity to visit New Orleans (yet) but from what I have heard from all who have been there, I can only imagine that every restaurant or corner street stand has exquisitely delicious food.

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I had total breast re-construction done in Mobile last year. Honestly, I hate to even admit it, but there wasn't much pain. They sent me home with a "Q Soaker" that numbed all the pain. I never took a pain pill. Healing went really, really quickly and I was out and about in a week but I couldn't drive. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself!!! I will remember you but with today's technology it is not the ordeal it once was. Good luck to you and try to enjoy some good eats while you are there. I wish I could drive down and hold your hand. I am 2 hours away. Are you at Tulane or Oshners? Both are excellent. Try, not to worry too mych if you can.

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We are going to NO on the 13-16. We have been told to go to Cafe Du Mond, Central Market for a Muffaletta and some high end restraunts (Commander's Palace, Nola's etc.). Don't know if we will go to one of those pricey ones, but the reviews are excellent.

We are looking forward to our trip and would also appreciate any information that could be shared.

I will be adding your daughter to my prayers.


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My thoughts and prayers to you.

New Orleans -- Cafe DuMonde for cafe' au lait and beignets. Muriel's is a great place to eat and only about a block from Cafe DuMonde. There are a bunch of little specialty shops between the two. If you are on the same side of the street ad Cafe DM, face toward the Cathedral and Muriel's is to the right of the Cathedral in the curve.

I am not sure what you would like to eat in NO but I will post a few places tomorrow. I am not sure what has re-opened in the city. Commander's Palace is great but very high end. You have to dress up -- yuk!!!

As far as quilt shops go there are none in N. O. There is one in Metarie "Scrap Happy." Ther is one in Mandeville -- across the lake. I am in Baton Rouge about an hour away.

My cell is 225-715-5524. Give me a call.


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We are not in the mood to take a suit and blingy clothes. This is a vacation! We are also not into spending 200-250 for dinner. We often share a dinner. I think we can get the best food at Cafe Du Mond and the Central Market...and, other little places. They are usually so good.



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Prayers are sent for you and your brave daughter. As said before, modern technology has changed the surgery in a large way.

When I lived in New Orleans (20 years ago), I loved to take rides on the St. Charles streetcar. You can pick it up on Canal Street and ride all though the garden district. It passes the beautiful homes that rich planters used to have for when they came to town. Plus the price to ride is fairly inexpensive. The French Quarter was nice to walk thru but don't travel alone! It's not as safe as it was when I was there. Don't know if you're into antiques, but there were several wonderful shop there too. Mesparos is a restaurant that I used to go to in the Quarter. It served the best seafood around. Hope it's still there!!

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Prayers for you and your daughter. It's nice that you are able to be with her during this time.

As for New Orleans, you need to go to Mother's for breakfast. A little hole-in-the-wall place that you'll never forget. Good food and even better experience. You eat family style at large tables with the other customers so it's a great opportunity to meet some new people. We sat with an older southern couple from Baton Rouge and two of Jimmy Buffet's body guards. Made for great conversation.


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