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So I just passed the torch on to the new 2008 MQX Teacher of the Year to......(Drum Rol.....)

our very own.....

DAWN CAVANAUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!


And the Viewers Choice goes to..................

our very own..........

MARILYN BADGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a night!!! Mark Lipinski shocked the world with the S bombs, and H bombs and it was FAN FREAKING TABOULOUS


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Oh what a night it was! Mark had been at our guild a couple of months ago and it was much the same presentation but it was still hysterical! The story about the girdle is so worth hearing and my checks still hurt from laughing so hard!

Dawn - congratulations and it is so deserved! I loved your reaction to it!!!! Way to go.

Marilyn - congrats to you as well. Your quilt is beautiful!

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Originally posted by quiltmonkey

Wow that is wonderful news! :)

PS: I think the heading is a typo...she probably meant 2009.


Nope I don't think it is a typo. I was rather confused why they said 2008 but when we got back to our room Charlotte looked it up in the guide and it is 2008! I guess it goes from April 2008 - April 2009 so they consider it 2008 since it was mostly time during 2008. Just a guess!

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I think that is what they do about the year. It must be based on the year before since it is given in the early part of the next year. That doesn't make any sense. Sorry. I am coming down from a fantastic 4 days. Dawn's win as teacher of the year is well deserved. She gives her all including her home phone number, unbelievable, to help us if we are having a problem. Heidi's quilt was fantastic and she deserved more than a red ribbon but that was great too. Marilyn Badger's quilt was wonderful also.

I enjoyed meeting so many people from the forum, although it will take me many more times seeing you to remember names. It was a great show.


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Thanks to all of you for your kind words. If you know me at all, it's rare that I am speechless when in front of a crowd (even 500 quilters), but last night when Karen called my name I was shocked and definitely at a loss for words. I am honored and humbled by the award, and just hope that I can continue to teach others well so that I might be deserving of it.

I have no idea who nominated me, but I am deeply touched and appreciative of your support!

As usual APQS quilters were well represented at the show; Heidi, Claudia and Marilyn, Gretchen, Debbi, Lynn, Holly, (and I'm sure I missed someone) received awards, and several more APQS quilters showcased their talents at the show. It was wonderful! Hope to see everyone next year in Providence!

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Thanks, Dawn. I made it home Saturday night via Southwest Airlines, but had an interesting time going through security with 40 cones of thread and a few CL disks, etc. They pulled my bag of toys off the belt and asked me to step aside so they could "investigate" the items in the bag. The guy was very nice, and couldn't get over the 40 cones of thread. We had a few laughs after he was finished and I was packing up again. He actually said he was sorry he had to detain me for the inspection, so I told him I preferred him going through the bag instead of my husband, who would have had a stroke if he saw how much I bought. He said I made his day with that comment. LOL

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