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Quilt done - Beach Lady's

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Hi everybody,

Well this is definitely wedding central! LOL we leave Sat. for NC and I have done nothing but wedding stuff for the last two weeks. I have a lot to do before we leave but I'm in not so bad shape!

This quilt is for the Brides mom. She has done so much work to get this wedding planned and I figure she might be in need of a little rest and relaxation! I got a giggle when I saw this fabric panel. I did this quilt very differently from the way I normally go about making a quilt. I cut the pannel apart and then measured the sections. I decided that I would make them all into 12" blocks. I made mostly 6" blocks using very simple designs. I had gotten 5 different bright fabrics and just started cutting. No real plan. I drew out the way I would put the blocks together and then just started sewing. I'm very pleased with the way it came out and I especially love the flip flops going around the inside border. The mom's favorite color is pink so I used the most of that color. Enjoy and I hope it gives you all a giggle.


some detail





Here is my test cupcake for the cupcake tower for the rehearsal dinner. I can't wait to see it with all of them done.


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Cute as a bug! You are very energetic and probably younger than I am. I could do that when I was thirty years younger too!:P:P NOT:P:P

How special! Our prayers are with you all the way there and back! Make it memorable!:)

Are those flipflops in the inner border part of the panel or are they embroidered? I like them too!

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Jane - Yes I made the chocolate using a mold. These will also be the favors for the rehearsal dinner. The coral was made one at a time using royal icing. They are a bit delicate but if I'm careful I should be able to get most of them there in 1 piece. I made various chocolates that a our of chocolate modeling clay and those will be used on the wedding cake.

Bonnie - LOL I think I'm getting slower the older I get. I wish I had today off work so that I could finish up all that I have to do tonight! I'm leaving by 3 today. I have so much more to get done but I think all the major projects are done. I have a lot of stuff to work on in the car. The flip flops were part of the panel. I used steam a seam to attach and then did the pin stitch on my machine. Thankfully they went quicker than I thought they would! I made this quilt in 2 days. It only took me 2 hours to quilt it using The Topper and R&S spiral board.

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I love no plan quilts and things...they always always turn out great and perfect..... Don't show Siana the cupcakes....that is her favorite. She would walk a mile for a cupcake, and trust me that's a huge thing...she won't even walk down our hill for excerise.:P But if there were cupcakes at the bottom she would...although she would pretty much just set there eat till she couldn't walk and then yell for me to come get her.:cool:

You did leave a day in this ordeal for you didn't ya.....;)

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Hi Heidi,

I just love the quilt you made. Looking at it makes be smile and feel happy and carefree. I think it will thrill the mother of the bride and really "bond" the two of you together. She will probably be speechless and I'm sure she will treasure it forever.

The cupcakes are so perfect! You are very creative, talented, ambitious, thoughtful, and beautiful on the inside and outside.

I hope all of your plans go without a hitch and that you have a wonderful time at the wedding.

PS: You can have more than one Marguerita on the beach. ;)

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I want to wish you all the luck in the world on your trip down to the wedding and getting everything ready and loaded up for the trip. Now remember to check your list once, twice and three times to be sure you have everything. Where on the beach are you going to be in NC. Enjoy and take lots of pictures. We will be praying for you.

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List?? I'm so not a list person!!!! LOL since I'm packing everything except the kitchen sink I should be set but I will go through 5 times to make sure! The key thing will be for me to have my kitchen stuff. Everything else is just icing on the cake! :P:P:P:P:P:P:P I got the quilt label done last night for the wedding quilt. This is a quote I found: Marriage is like quilting, it takes a lot of time but it is worth it! I think the kids will get a kick out of that!

We will be staying in Emerald Isle right on the beach. I can hardly wait. I dread the drive though! It will take us about 13 1/2 hours with no traffic. Pray the roads are clear!!!!!

Kath - well I'm so tired of cake right now they aren't even tempting anymore!!!!! The guys at work did tell me that they are sorry to see the wedding date so close, they won't get anymore scraps!

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Heidi! My thoughts are with you this week! I know what you are going thru! For my second wedding (now defunct) I made everything too! Silk flower arrangements for the reception, bouquets, dresses, table decs, etc! I shipped it all to Illinois from CO... The only thing I took with me in the van was my dress... lol...

I LOVE the quilt - I just saw that fabric locally and I might just have to get it!!! What a great job you've done, and even though we know you've had your ups and downs - you came thru! Just don't collapse after the wedding! When you are there, just enjoy every second and take lots of pics - so you will remember what you'll forget! LOL

Relax! Enjoy! BE.

Luv ya gal!

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Heidi, that quilt is just too cute. It is totally awesome and you have really blessed someone with a unique gift. Your cupcakes are just WOW. Take lots of pictures for us.

We will be sending prayers for a safe journey both ways. And yes sit on the beach and enjoy some down time. And thank you for sharing this journey with us.

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