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Thanks to Linda Card !!!! Update

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My nephew was in a plane crash Thurs. near California City. He's very lucky that he was able to eject. It was an Air Force jet. I called Linda [ Ramona-Quilter] for help in getting him a quilt. I knew I couldn't get him one in less than a week, probably more. She so sweetly said she had one and would take it to him. Now, that's one sweet lady !!:) He is stable and is being flown to San Diego Navy Hosp. on Tues. Please keep him in your prayers as well as his family ! Thank you Linda for being my lifeline !! Aren't quilters just the best ? Glenda

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Blessings to you, Linda! That is such a sweet thiing to do. I can only imagine the warm feelings that young man had realizing that his family found an angel to send with a quilt for him! The incident will be unforgettable, but the kindness of a stranger will be attached as a lasting memory to go with it.

I'll be praying for a swift recovery for your nephew Glenda, ejecting is a tremendous strain on the body, I'm soo glad he got out!

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OHMYGOSH!! I remember hearing in the news about this jet crash. I am so sorry, Glenda, this happened. We are so fortunate to have a network of friends everywhere all over the world ready to lend a helping hand when needed. Linda Card, Ramona Quilter, is genuine and kind. We are all so fortunate. I love my quilting friends very much. God bless you all for coming to the aid of our fellow friends when it's needed most.

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I love this--we all are connected in so many ways!

Linda Card is so generous. It is a gift that warms the heart of the giver, but will shine for years for the recipient, remembering as the trauma fades that there was someone kind enough to wrap them in a quilty hug.

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Lee seems to be holding his own. They have done surgery twice on his left arm and put a rod in his right leg. So lucky that he didn't have any internal injuries ! He is supposed to be moved to the San Diego Navy hosp. today. Linda said she would go see him tomorrow and give me a 'live' report. Please keep him in your prayers that he continues to improve ! Thanks to all my 'quilty' friends for lifting him up in prayer !! Glenda

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Glenda, sending prayers to your nephew and the pilots family. What a blessing Linda Card is. I was fortunate to get to meet her at MQS. She is a real sweeheart. Hope your nephews injuries heal quickly. Please thank him for serving his country for me. These brave men and women provide us our freedom at a very high price. Their sacrifice should never be forgotten. Freedom is not free.


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