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Posting first photos - made the pictures bigger

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I've had my Millie since February and have been ppp but haven't posted any photos until now. I came home from Paducah in April inspired to quilt this Batik quilt that has been in the closet for quite some time. The centers of the blocks are leftovers/scraps from blocks made from the Stars by Magic quilt book by Nancy Johnson-Srebro. I haven't finished the actual quilt yet, but the scraps fell together! Hopefully the pictures will come through - this is the first time that I've tried using Webshots.

Thanks, Barb, for posting how to change the size of the pictures!

Batik Quilt


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Wonderful quilting, Carmen, lovely quilt. You are doing a great job and progressing right along.

To post larger pictures from Webshots:

On the bottom of the picture is a toolbar. Use the 2nd icon from the right (posting picture on forum).

Change the size of the picture you want to post (I usually do 450 and it posts fine on this forum).

Copy and paste into your reply.

Aloha, Barb

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Carmen in the Ozarks,

You are welcome - when I first started posting pictures from Webshots, they were postage stamp sized eye squinters, too!!!:P

Love your colors and especially love the sliver of Ozark backround (behind your quilt). What an awesome view!

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I'm with everyone else, Carmen. Your quilting motifs are wonderful. I would like to comment on how even you've managed to get the quilting density. That is really important and often hard to do. Great job...thanks for sharing.

Nancy in Tucson

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