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Ugh! Some people's customers...!!

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Ha, ha, good for you Shana. You should of told her what the quilt books were at the library, or if she really wanted to win, just what it takes, great piecing and quilting. Seams that match up, etc. Maybe someone should have explained to the woman what matching seams were and how important they are. You did great Shana and kudo's to you!


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Sorry Shana for this woman's reaction when you gave her the quilt back...unquilted!

Good for you though. You held your head high and offered her money back...she refused...and so you are only out a little time today ripping out and she is out one he!! of a quilter!

Your work stands on its own. Don't let her ruin your day! Keep on quilting Lady.

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I had such a nice supper at home with my DH tonight. We laughed, ate grilled brats on toasted hoagies with mustard & sauerkraut that was sauteed in onions, bell pepper and sweetened with brown sugar (....and... did I say yummm-oooh it was delish!) and I made a gitantic bowl of potato salad, plus we polished off a bottle of wine. We laughed and talked about a gazillion things. He doesn't even know about this little "issue" with my customer. I didn't tell him. Some things I don't need to share with him because 1) I took care of it by myself (it's my quilt business) plus it is out of his control and 2) it would have made him mad. So I didn't tell and he doesn't need to know, either. A nice way to end the day (on a high note).

Onward and upward!! :cool:

Oh, and have I told you all lately that I love you?

I do! Love YOU!!

Thanks to all of you for always being my "safety net" that I can fall into and feel safe. It's home here. I am safe and warm. I love this place filled with good people. :)

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I am so sorry you had to put up with this person. She is not a quilter, that is obvious and she isn't even a nice person. I hope she gives the quilt to one of the "experts" she spoke to. I don't know any county or state fair that would even consider giving that piecing job a ribbon. Maybe the picture looks as bad!!!!

I am glad that you had a good evening and are feeling better.


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log cabin. Notice the poofiness around the stitching in this photo? This is what she was complaining about.

There are two battings in here. One is fat poly (on top) the other is a thinner cotton on bottom.

The poofiness resulted from three things: Light custom quilting, two battings and not-so-square blocks. Viola! For this light custom quilt job I charged her $45.00.


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Shana ,

Well, I agree - She must have been off her meds ----for a very long time!!!! Your quilting was amazing and it really did hide some of her bad piecing, but for the way that she went about trying to "make a silk purse out of her sows ear", your handing it back to her, all starched and ironed along with the money was what I would have done also.

Now the part of not telling your DH, well for me that would have been impossible as every thought in my head seems to come out of my mouth when I'm upset. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy a delicious dinner with him and he was never the wiser and you ended your day with peace in your heart. But this is nothing new as you are usually the one who really keeps their head on their shoulder! Good going friend:cool::cool::cool:

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Dear Shana: Thanks so much for the update, and solution perhaps I might need someday, I'm glad this whole thing is OVER.

If this incident ever threatens to waste one more moment of your time, give yourself a hug from all of us and eat a little chocolate to regain equilibrium ...:P:P:cool: enjoy life, Pat

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For my 2 cents worth, you did the absolutely right thing, I would have returned it to her as well and just let her figure out how to finish it with another quilter. I would also not take any quilts from her again....people who know you and have seen your quilting know better than to believe what she says!

It must feel good to be done with this! Have a great week!


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Shana, you sweet woman you. I also had a HUGE Thimbleberrie look a like quilt that a woman made and she also never had a lesson BUT according to her was an expert piecer! The quilt was horrible, ugly and the work square was never in her vocabulary. I did the best I could. Some pleats (well hiddedn) but considering the mess of the piecing I thought it looked pretty good. Stupid me even told her the quilt design and fabric was lovely, (trying to encourage her because I couldn't believe she really thought that her piecing was great. TWO months later she calls and say that the quilt is HORRIBLE and that I ruined it. It finally explained to her that I actually SAVED the damn thing. But she insisted that she was going to rip out all the stitches and do it herself on her DSM! It was almost $300 dollars but she did not ask for any money back and I didn't offer either. She then proceeded to show that quilt (after she ripped the **** out of it with the seam ripper) to all her friends! Fortunately her friends sort of told her that I was right and that she needed to take some lessons. But I sure changed how I work now. If it isn't square, pieced properly or for what ever reason it will cause me grief I won't do it! You are a better woman that I am a better man!

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Dear Shana,

Oh my! I am so far behind on reading these posts, I am just now finding out what a horrible situation you've been going through.

I think you handled this with grace, dignity and professionalism. Your quilting was very pretty and for $45??? This woman doesn't have a clue what she lost out on.

Hugs, dear Shana.

PS: Is her name Betty? LOL (She was my "friend/customer" with quilts from hell, and quite an attitude, to boot!.)

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Shana...you're far too kind to rip the whole thing out and then re-quilt it. I think I would have ripped the stitches out and then returned it and her money to her. She's not going to be happy; she's obviously delusional!!! You are far too kind.

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Kudos Shana for more than just handing her quilt back and offering to give her money back as well. As I said at first I believe this was the best solution. Amazing you have the strength to not tell your DH about this incident, not so sure I could be so strong. Your sharing this experience with all of us has been a great lesson! Onwards and upwards, enjoy more eveings like that with your DH!!! I agree your quilting was the only saving grace of this sad quilt, it must have cried when you took out it's only beauty....

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