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Busy learning IQ

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Well, I got my IQ last week. I love it and am trying out several patterns. I had some trouble

with some things but I cried out to my friend Debbi Treusch and she helped me over the rough

parts to start.

I also had a hard time figuring out how to the finish a row of panto, roll the quilt and start the

next row. The IQ-Yahoo group helped me with that. On the bright side, when I couldn't get

the quilt lined up where it was supposed to go, it took me 2 clicks to go into manual mode

so I could "fill" in the gaps in the pattern.

So here's a couple of my efforts. This is a kingsize rail fence in blues. This photo is the flannel back

so you can see the quilting. The digitized pattern is called Virginia Flower. I should have

scaled it to be bigger since I used double batts. The customer wanted fluffy.


This one was a rush on a shop sample. I used Linda Taylor's digitized Twirly Feather. I love this one

because it is big and open, not too dense. I did the Twirly Feather in the field, nothing in the inner

border and Sassy (digitized) from Keryn Emmersen in the outer border. I did not have the pattern

sized correctly (another mistake) so if you look, you will see how IQ travels (in a straight line) down

the side to the next part of the pattern. LQS owner said it was OK with her. Next time I use a panto

inside a border, I will have to "Preview" the entire row to see where it ends.


This was a special-order digitized pattern called Menorah and Stars of David from Georgette

Dell"Orco at Quilter's Niche.


Another Virginia Flower scaled to 14 inches.


And this is a paper-piece fractured hearts that I did freehand hearts and ribbons on.


The IQ comes with some nice patterns but it is always fun to freehand and to play with new patterns. ;)

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wow, you really have been a busy little beaver. I was thinking yesterday that I had not seen many posts from you lately. Now I see why, You are having such a good time learning your new machine and making so much quilters candy for us to drool over. way to go, keep up the good work!!

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Linda, your pictures are great. What fun!

Mary Beth - your comment about teenage boys made me laugh since just yesterday I had to call a neighborhood boy to come help me with my misbehaving IPOD. He just pushed some buttons, reset it, and smiled. I wanted to slap him and hug him at the same time.:P:P:P

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I had sent you a PM last week but must have got lost in cyberspace. I was asking how you liked the IQ. Those first couple of weeks are hard. There is just so much to learn and you just can't remember it all. And then, we just continually get the incredible updates that you have to figure out how to use, too. I was close to tears several times and mad other times, but wow, once you get it, the possiblilties are limitless. I am using the IQ much, much more than I thought I would. Good luck and good learning.

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Thank you all for your encouragement and nice comments.

Well, except for that little dig from my Colorado buddy. :P OK, you have to hear the story. I'm sure that I don't tell it as well as Mary Beth but here goes....

I replaced my cell phone just before going to MQS. I was trying to figure out how to make it ring with special ring tones and somehow, I set "Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun" as the default ringtone for everybody. I was having a hard time figuring out how to change it one night when we were all at dinner. There were 3 teenage boys in the booth across from us. So I asked them if they knew how to fix the ringer. They were game enough to try but couldn't figure it out. So I had to get my son (no longer a teenager) figure it out for me.

Victoria - sorry I missed your PM. I think that my technical skills are sagging, like the rest of me. I know what you mean about the startup. It was scary and then I noticed it was Linux. OK, I can do this. I am having fun with it. What I love is that I can get to manual mode by pressing a couple of buttons so I can freehand parts of a quilt as well as use the computer to do a design.

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Okay, my version goes like this....

We went out to dinner one evening during MQS. Linda kept messing with this new cell phone that she could not get to ring...and if I am not mistaken...she could only call me. She pushed every button on that phone. Finally, at dinner, (we were sitting in a booth and Linda was on the inside), sitting across the way from us were 3 teenage boys. Linda looked over and said, "Hey, I bet they could tell me how to use this thing!" Then she made me scoot out and then she scooted out and went to their table...sat down...and handed them her phone. They messed with it a bit too, but no one at that table could figure it out either. If it had been me, that is when I would have taken it back to the store. If a teenage boy can't figure out a cell phone....then no one can ;)

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Looks like you have that IQ accomplished and now just some twikking is called for. You are doing great with it and I love what you have done so far. The quilt designs are beautiful so keep up the good work. I also love the idea of IQ and freemotion quilting without too much trouble. Great idea!

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