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A tiny little prayer request

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Thank you Sheri, it's good to know some of you have already been there and done that!

I am cleaning, cleaning, cleaning today...and taxes :mad::( I know I will only be able to work some, rest some, etc. but I gotta get some stuff done. The taxes will need to be done on the the computer so that I am not looking forward to.

Hopefully tomorrow I will start on my MQS Theme quilt.

Oh...so much to do...so little time!!:)

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Glad to hear you are up and around Mary Beth. Just make sure

you take care of yourself by resting more today and tomorrow.

Don't over do it, okay? I know you have things to do but it will wait........believe me, but your health won't!! Just sooooooo happy to hear this may work very well for you and give you relief

and no more pain. I'm still sending big hugs and my prayers.

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You know, I was going to PT and doing some exercises they suggested. One of the stretches that I had to do was to tilt my head to the left and hold the top of my head down - gently - for the count of 15 then roll my head forward - chin to my chest and tilt to the left. I could not do that one during PT, but this morning I feel pretty good, so I though I would try it...no problem...I am rolling with the best of them. So, while it is feeling good, I'm going to try to do the stretches and strengthening slowing. If I can build up some muscles that should help prevent more things down the road.

Thank you for keeping track of me :)

I recommend it. Try the PT first, if you don't have bulging discs the PT just might work. The doctor in the pain management clinic doesn't recommend chiropractic for your neck, BTW. I told them I had tried it and they were not impressed. They said chiropractic can help in some instances, just don't do it for your neck.

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Guest Linda S

Hey Mary Beth - I haven't been on the board for a long time, so I missed this. I went through the epidural steroid injections for my lower back a couple of times. The first doc I went to didn't give me much happy juice and I screamed my bloody head off. The second guy was a kinder, gentler doc and I was comfortable. Unfortunately, my discs were so blown out that they didn't help. I do hope the injections help you. If they don't, don't believe them when they tell you surgery is not an option. It is not desirable, by any means, but if you really need it, you can go to a research hospital and find a good doc who can help you. I had a three-level spinal fusion in November of last year and, while I wouldn't want to go through the surgery again, I'd do it for the amount of pain relief I got. I can walk now, which was nearly impossible beforehand.

I really hope this all works out well for you and you feel well soon. Ask your doc about a TENS unit to use when you're done quilting for the day. It can really help to relieve knotted-up shoulder muscles.


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Hi MB...I'm glad the shot is working and you're feeling better. There's nothing worse than chronic pain...its so depressing. Now that you're feeling good, take it easy and build up your muscles slowly. Cortizone is a terrific drug and I'm a firm believer in better living through chemistry! Glad you're out of pain!!

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Thank you all! It is so good to hear those who have gone through this and have something to tell, good or bad. I too had these shots in my lower back, didn't work, had the surgery and that didn't work. Chiropractic did, but I have already been there with my neck and shoulders and it didn't work. I'm going to try to strengthen my shoulders/arms/neck/upper back...core everything else I own. I am a firm believer in strenght training and building up our bodies. I have just let everything go for the last few years and now everything is hurting or falling apart.

Linda S. I had the Tens unit for my lower back and it did feel good. My insurace will approve it for my shoulders/upper back so I am going to see if someone will perscribe it. Insurance is so strange. They will approve the Tens unit, they would not approve the machine in PT that does the same thing only stronger. My PT used it anyway and didn't turn it in to the insurance. She felt I needed it to get those muscles relaxed. It worked.

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