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A tiny little prayer request

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Ihave been dealing with tendonitis for a long, long....long time. I have worn just about every brace you can on your arms. One night I went to bed looking like a transformer. Anything to relieve the pain. It just got to be way too much so I went to the doctor....again. They sent me for physical therapy and after 6 weeks, finally, my PT was able to get my muscles to relax. In the process we have narrowed my problem down to bulging and narrowing discs in my neck. SO...tomorrow I go to the pain management office at the hospital and they will give me some happy juice in an IV (my favorite part) and I will hopefully sleep through the injection of cortisone in my neck. I think this is probably a routine procedure, but it sound scary and...What if the doctor has the hiccups? Where would that leave me? I'm just saying :) If you all could just say a little prayer I would appreciate it...I'm a chicken ya know. Thank you...I'll let you know if it works.

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Mary Beth, when you went to bed as a transformer what did you wake up as? Sent my prayer out for you, hoping all goes well as I'm sure it will. I had PT for my shoulders, it's not fun, but if I don't overdo the pain stays away. I met you at Nancy's place in Vancouver. I so enjoy this forum. Keep us posted.

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Mary Beth, oh I am sorry it has gotten to this point. Be assured your doctors know exactly what to do and they will treat you with the best care. Think positive thoughts as you go to the hospital. Don't be scared. Tell yourself that you will be OK. It's all in the attitude. Right? Girl, and we all know you got a 'tude so use it baby. ;) Work it, girl... Work that 'tude. Love ya, sweetie. I will definitely say special prayers and I always keep and hold you dear to me in thought.

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Prayers and well wishes heading south to you MB today and tomorrow.

From someone who's had several needles in her neck!

I've had a double neck fusion, but the before part...was the needles.

You'll do just fine i'm sure! Relax, be as calm as you can be, and enjoy the

juice. They gave me demorol. (spelling?)

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If that was today, I'm praying for a full recovery. If it is tomorrow, Friday, then my prayers are for steady hands and "enjoy the joy juice while it lasts".:)

When that's all done and done, find yourself a yoga class and start where you are, do it faithfully, and you'll be amazed at the results. Talk about learning to relax, and de-stress, it has been a lifesaver for me. Opening the thoracic cavity was the trick for me. My arms and shoulders were slowly over time becoming like the fetal position, only semi-permanent. After the yoga classes, I learned how to open the chest cavity and stretch those muscles and my upper back and just all over. Now when I feel that middle of the back and neck stress, I do a refresher and it relieves the "itises" all over.

Whatever you choose to do for relief, I hope and pray it works for you. There are a lot of alternatives out there.

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