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Dirt Roads

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I don't know how many of you live on dirt roads, I have lived on one most of my life. Sometimes thngs will fall on the road, like trees during an ice storm, or flooding from incessant rains, horses & cattle get out and you manuever around or thru them.

But every once in awhile there may be something on the road you can't get around and you back up and turn around to find an alternate route.

THIS would be one of those times....


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Originally posted by Bobbi47

OMG! That'll get yer blood movin'!

Wonder what would happen if you just "gunned" it! Would it come up through the floorboards like a horror film? Man, I wouldn't be sleepin' very good in that area!

Be my luck I would get high centered on it and then just where would I be.....:cool:

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it's a green andaconda- see the dark swipe above it's eye and the dots on it's side?

boa constrictors and ball pythons have stripes on their sides....

um, not to be whatever her- but andacondas are BAD BAD for the local ecosystem....you might want to contact the local Fish and Game department and let them know you saw one- show them the pic...they get HUGE.....

remember the little girl that was killed in TX (?) couple weeks ago....

but i have a feeling some country kid will made the front page of the newspaper by killing it...

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Originally posted by ffq-lar

"Why did the snake cross the road?"


Maybe the question should be:

"Why did Linda Rech cross the road...while screaming with flailing arms and hopping around like a mad lunatic as though her hair was on fire or something?"

Cuz she saw a snake. That's why! :cool:

FYI: For all you snake haters... We don't have snakes in Alaska...apparently our winters are a little too long and too cold!

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