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oH Shannon, I'm so sorry this had to happen at all, much less to someone as giving, sharing, friendly and loving as you. I'm lucky to have two desktop puters. I have one disconnected right now, just to totally strip and rebuild just as when it was new. In any case after losing thousands of pictures from our trip to Alaska, and a lot of irreplaceable family photos, I now download more often. Probably not nearly as often as I should, but at Least I won't lose anything again.

Good Luck, know we love and miss you and pray all works out well and your photo's are saved.


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Shannon - my fingers are crossed that you will be most if not everything back!!! Hugs!!


Just a note - I too am a Mac girl & concerning viruses - they are safer - but not virtually safer. My son, who is a high-up computer software developer/researcher for the University of California is also a Mac lover for his personal use and has stated many times to me that though we Mac people are less apt to get any type of virus - it is possible and we should still take care and back up on a regular basis.

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*WAVE* i don't which is/was worse: no puter or to stop smoking.....

this forum is my 'life line' sometimes....

you guys are SO SO very very sweet....

so the puter brain is going to WA (wish i could fit myself in the box to thank {hug} barb and mike)

i have davis's laptop, so i'll have that and i have my itouch that i can log on to with, but the 'keyboard' is like 3" x 2" so typing long replies is not easy...

but i'm happy and have hope that i'll have something left after all this...i'm not complaining (too much) i always figure life gives you life lessons when you need them.

this is how i see this one- i'm working on my classe's handouts and such, so it would of been a BIG distaster if this had happened a few more weeks in the future....

and i'll be making a trip to Office Depot for some memory sticks (wish they had those for us- like a q-tip, stick it in your ear and backup your brain...or hey, better yet, dumbledore's penssive....) and a (?) zipdrive for the pictures...

k, lesson learned....i'll be backing up alot....

thanks for the well wishes....just a speed bump in the road of life, right?? granny always told me that it's not a mistake if you learn something....

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I learned my lesson about backing up 6 months ago. I had transfered all my pictures from another computer I had that was not hooked up to the internet. My parent's computer had died and I gave them this computer after I erased all my files. I kept putting off backing up all these pictures and such to CD or DVD, well after a few weeks or so my hard drive crashed and lost everything. The family pictures that were lost and cannot be replaced is what upset me the most. Since then no matter what internet protection I have I back up my computer every two weeks. It's a hard lesson to learn and a lot of us have learned the hard way. CD's are cheap, so take the time and back up your files before you loss something that can't be replaced. Shannon I got my fingers crossed that you can recover your computer.

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abigail, i'm going to wait and see what is 'lost' and what could be salvaged....so that request could become reality in the next couple weeks...i was thinking that i have pics n my blog. and i have pictures on webshots (grr) and i have some on my itouch. it's the pictures i didn't 'share' that i'm worried about....

but yes, that could be something i ask one day.

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I'm very sorry to hear about Shannon's computer. I will miss her postings ---for awhile, until she gets things up and running again. I visit her Blog all the time. She has some wonderful pictures there! I hope everything can be retrieved on her hard drive, and maybe from other sources.

I have a new iMac after close to 18 yrs. of PC's. It has the new Intel processor and Leopard operating system. Even though they say Mac's don't get virus, I do have "Protect Mac" running on it. I'm not taking any chances as I travel around the internet in windows based sites---like Webshots. Especially if you have portioned off a section of your Mac to run Windows like some new Mac operators are doing.

BTW: the transition to Mac has been relatively simple---and I'm not buying another PC. If any of you are considering new desktops or laptops, replacing PC's, don't overlook the new breed of Mac's. My grandchildren encouraged me to follow their leads in to the "Mac World" ;) and I'm very happy I did!

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"and i'll be making a trip to Office Depot for some memory sticks (wish they had those for us- like a q-tip, stick it in your ear and backup your brain...or hey, better yet, dumbledore's penssive....) and a (?) zipdrive for the pictures..."

Shannon, we can't do without your wonderful sense of humor! Love this!:):P:D

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Doddlebug!!!!!!!!! :(:( I am so sorry to hear about your virus on your 'puter!! Hopefully your hard drive will be fixed and back home soon. Those dang trojan viruses are buggers... they get on your pc and hang out until they feel l ike coming out (I think Shana spoke on this). In all my 30+ years in the IT world, these were the ones that bugged us the most. I hope all turns out well soon.

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Shannon, I'm so sorry for you, hope your stuff can be saved. I lost my last desktop with one flip of the switch, that blue screen of death makes you sick at first sight. I'm really stupid, when my computer crashed I had the external hard drive sitting beside it. I just never got around to "backing up" my files. I think there's a new Trojan or dormant one going around, several people I know got a Trojan last week. I was told to be aware of Facebook, they think that's where they got theirs however, who knows where they come from since the lurking spaces are endless. Myrna, I'm sure no one is blaming you for it.

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Shannon...I'm so sorry...it's such a pain, even if the files are recovered.

How timely to read this. My virus software yelled at me to get the backup setup...ithe warning just hasn't gotten past the grey matter yet. I'm one that has to learn my own lessons, so maybe this will be a first.

For those that haven't seen the warnings, the social websites are the latest mode for spreading computer viruses. Wish the people that do this would use their time and skills to do good works instead of bad.

fingers are crossed for a full recovery of that hard drive...


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Shannon, I understand your pain. We are dealing with a montior that turns everything yellow. One of the color guns went out. I am not willing to invest due to the fact the computer is about to be replaced. We are trying to hold out until next year. At least I have my laptop from work.....

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Oh Shannon,

Almost the same story happened to me, I was looking up a recipe when the devil attacked my machine. I lost all but what I had on back up. When everything was said and done I was told that I had a problem for some time and the recipe file (shared) just invited all to come in and eat my files. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRG! is right,

I pray you get some or all your pictures back your quilts are so beautiful.

Ginny Snowden


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Hopefully Barb's husband will be able to retrieve all your information.

In the spring, our son and DIL's laptop crashed. They were sick. It was only a couple of years old and had tons of pictures of their two little ones. A friend of theirs was able to fix it and save all their pictures and other files.

I will keep good thoughts that all will be well.


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I work for a large company that has plants world wide. I heard that the main IT guy was at our plant this week over seeing some network upgrades, so I gave him a call this morning and asked about recovering lost files. He told me the best program on the market that he has found is from: recovermyfiles.com Shannon you may want to try this program.

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I have a gene in my chromosomal makeup that makes me break out in hives when I encounter computer viruses. I cannot deal with them.:mad: That's my DH domain.

I sure hope you recover your precious files very soon. It can happen to anyone. We have a local geek who happens to be the son of our chiropractor. He has helped us out of many troubles. He helped me understand how to backup to an external hard drive. Now I just have to remember where I put it.:P

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I truly sympathize. I had a my hard drive fry earlier this summer. I had backed up completely about 6 months ago, so I didn't lose everything. Somethings - like embroidery files I purchase, I back up onto an external drive, so those were saved. I thought it might have been a virus, but the computer guy tells me that sometimes they just fry.

On the good side (if there is one), my computer is now as fast as it was when it was new. Starting from scratch cleaned a lot of stuff out.

I'm just back from a vacation in WV, where I snapped this shot for Doodlebug!


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