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Claudia´s Video .....now with a link to Youtube

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Ok.......today was THE DAY!;):D:cool:

Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8g_pe2Kyos

The complete version is 106 minutes....packed of (P)feathers!;) The DVD will be available middle of september!:D

Have (P)fun..........;) Claudia

A Video with me as an instructor was taped by a professional team........ thank you Stephan Jansen;)!

The theme:

(P)fun (P)feiling (P)feathers......it was soooooo cool - although hot in the spotlights;) with a lot of (P)fun and tons of (P)feathers!:cool:

It took us more than 8 hours from the beginning till the end....and I´m a little exhausted now;), but I think it will be a greaaaaat video !

I can´t wait until the next step .....to see the cut version ....

I´m soooooo curious;):D

I will let you know more asap!

Have a great day.....


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Congratulations on getting your first video to "press". Be sure and let us know when it is available so that we can all learn from one of the "Diva's" in our industry. Like Bekah, I admire your work and have since I got my LA and was made aware of your beautiful quilting. ;)

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Claudia I'm actually hoping for a mixture of English and German like my mother does! It will make me feel right at home :P:P:P:P:P! Actually my mother has lived in the US for more than 55 years and she still says things backwards, in English of course. She then proceeds to argue with me that she is not saying it backwards! It is very funny. She really doesn't have an accent though so you can't tell that English is her 2nd language. Yes I'm pretty sure we all speak quilting and would be able to follow along!

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Hello Claudia, I will arrive in Frankfurt on the 25th September. My brother will pick me up and I can visit you anytime after my arrival. I have all your information written down. I cannot wait to meet you. Save a video for me to buy.

Sincerely, Nora Alquraisha

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....the DVD will be finished at least in october, maybe with a lot of luck in september!

So I will be able to take some DVD´S to Australia ;)!

Nooooo... ..... the DVD won´t be perfect*lol* .....this wouldn´t be my style, you know;) But I tried to avoid to say some.....sh......words.....;) ... but uuuuuups instead!:cool:

There are a lot of encouragement and tipps on it which will help you to do freemotion feathers!

Boni......watching is much more worth than listening:cool:;)

Nora....I´m waiting for your phone call....we will have a lot of fun!:)

Mary....how do you know, that I´m (P)funny???;):DMiss you, my friend!

Ramona......I would never hide my personality....I´m just not able to!:cool:;)

Myrna....thanks:D....You are one one of my mentors!:)

Gone dreaming......Here´s the night


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Woohoo! Congratulations, Claudia! That's sssoooo pfabulous! I've been drooling over your quilting sinc e I first joined this site, and am thrilled that there is going to be a DVD! Now you must come back to Houston and teach at the Houston International Quilt Festival. And bring LOTS of dvd's 'cause you will need them. Parrot Island was a real hit last year!

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