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what shoes?

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Didn't know there was such a thing as double scoliosis! That must be painful.

I wear my steel toed boots nearly year round...or I go barefoot. I am sure that doesn't help you, but I have been looking for something different to try too. I want something confortable on the feet and cool...my feet sweat horribly. Any suggestions for something cool?

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I have seen these shoes and a few people I know use them and they really like them. I've seen Zcoil vendor at the MQS show. I was considering getting these when I broke my heel bone. My employer will reimburse me for these shoes if I choose to buy them. I haven't bought them but everyone I know that uses these have only good things to say.

People who are on their feet all day...this would be a good option. And sure, they might look a little odd but sometimes we must forego style and lean toward comfort. And honestly, they really have improved the "look" and have a lot more shoe selections to choose from now.

OK,,, now that I've thought about this, I think I will buy a pair to use when quilting. I think they will help me a lot!! If my employer will reimburse me then why not? :D


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Shannon if you get a pair let me know how they work out. I have inverted scoliosis, where my spine bows inward instead of side to side. Standing at the quilt machine for any length of time bothers my lower back. I hate taking pain pills and avoid them when I can (I'm ditsy enough.....a blonde thing I think). If these shoes work out, maybe I'll give them a try. Currently I have a heal cup that goes in my shoe that helps some.

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I HAVE These shoes. I am not a shoe hog and I abhor shoe shopping, and still consider myself female. These shoes are like the saddle stool in that you automatically stand better with them on. If you can get to a store, do that because the inserts cause the shoes to fit differently. I won't wear shoes with out my inserts. I can and do wear these shoes with out them. If it rains, you can squeek in them, I feel a bit like a kangaroo. Never one afraid to stand out in a crowd. AND you can replace the heels so it isn't made to become obsolete.

yes, I'd sell them for a living if I could. I do reccommend them.

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I have a pair of ZCoil shoes and like them. I wear them when I will be on my feet and walking for hours. They are great when attending a quilt show :) Back, legs and feet don't hurt at the end of the day. They are the only shoes I could wear after each of 2 foot surgeries. I haven't worn them for quilting but it is a good idea. I do think by the end of the day they feel a little heavy. I tried on a pair of their sandals at MQS and liked them a lot, but I was spending my money on quilting things so didn't buy them. You can get heel covers for them if you wish, but then they look like ordinary shoes and if people see the heel they will ask you about them and think they are so cool :cool:

I had surgery on both feet Tuesday and Dr. said I would be in tennis shoes next week so it will be the ZCoil again. Right now I'm sitting in the recliner with both feet up and won't get to quilt for another 10 days or so. BOO HOO! Don't want to mess up the surgery and have to do it again!

Shana, I think you mentioned your broken heel once before. DH pulled a Tarzan from the rafters in the barn and broke his heel and the Dr. described it as a devistating break. He was on crutches and couldn't walk on it for 3 months. Will bother him for the rest of his life, so I can understand how you would have problems, too, after breaking your heel.

If you can try the ZCoil at a show the seller may let you wear them around the show to try them out. When we bought ours it was at a show and we got to put a few miles on them before we paid for them.

One more thing, I wear custom orthotics in my shoes but do not need them in the ZCoil because the heel adjusts.

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Shannon before you buy the zcoil shoes google masai shoes. They are like rockers. My SIL has them and swears by them. She has back problems too. The cost is about the same but they have a really cute maryjanes and other styles. After you get the scoop on google visit ebay and see if there are any listings for new ones. Sheetchers also make one that is similar.I got all my keen shoes and saved about 30.00 a pair.



Washougal WA

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The couple who sells Superior Threads at the Quilt Shows in this area of the country (PA/VA/MD) both wear those shoes. At the QU Quilt show in the DC area in June I talked to the gentleman about his shoes who said he and his wife adore the shoes since they are on concrete all day. They don't wear anything else. He said they are worth every penny.


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I wish that the crepe soled wedge type shoe of the 70's would come back in style. I have very small (5 +half, EEE) feet, order shoes from a catalog of mostly ugly styles. I had Clark and Dexter shoes then and loved them. Taught in a 4 story, 100 year old building with no elevator, never got tired or sore....I wear New Balance athletic shoes, fitted carefully, and laced for a supportive fit. I used to think it was a marketing ploy, but I do replace them fairly often when the "lift" goes away. They always look fine on the outside, sigh.....:cool:

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