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Me time....finally!

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DH is out of town. I can hardly wait to get off work at 5 pm. I'm going home, putting on my jammies, going to the computer and popping in Claudia's P(f)eathers DVD and I am watching it all the way through. Then I might just watch Renae's Rays DVDs that I purchased at MQS, that are not out of the package. Then, (if I'm not 10 toes up, snoring) I'm going to work on my MQS entry. Then.....then there is Saturday!!! Yippee...on my own again, I may just work on my son's wedding quilt. Oh, I love deer season and the days leading up to deer season ;):cool:

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our deer season starts tomorrow....that's what i'm doing today, running around getting all my 'stuff' together and doing some last minute laundry...

i can't wait to get in the woods...

tell your hubby i said 'good luck and kill a big'un" i know i'll be trying....time to restock the freezer!

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Shhhh!! It's not deer season yet....it is not until Mid November. They are "getting ready" for deer season. By that time I should have had a head to toe make over.

Oh, and last year I sat in the blind with DH....we were hunting. It was my first time. I did everything he told me to. I was vewe, vewe quiet, just like he said. Until the squirrel came down the tree and almost joined us. Then, when there were no deer in sight, he found a stick to chew on. In his most suave manner he could muster, he took the stick from his mouth, drew back his arm and tried to throw that little stick out the very little window that was about 4" in height. The stick did just that....it stuck to the inside wall of the blind. It took all I had trying no to laugh at him...out loud. I had to try to do one of those church laughs. I hate that. I'm no good at it! Then, after his 50 year old body sat for a while he stretched out his legs and said, "My knee doesn't even hurt any more." He was stretching the wrong leg. That made us both start laughing.

DH didn't even ask me if I wanted to go hunting this year.

Oh, and did I mention, he doesn't even like deer meat. He goes and hopes, the whole time he is there, that he doesn't get one. How crazy is that?!! Yes, I love deer season.

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how funny is that, He doesnt even like deer meat and hopes the whole time that he doesnt get one. You would love living here in SC the deer season goes from August 15th to I think Jan 15th. that is a really long deer season. My bosses are brothers and I get to listen to their deer stories all season long, they have so much fun telling on each other about the ones that got away, etc. My husband doesnt hunt so I cant be excited about deer season here, but I sure wish he would play golf more like he used to for so many years, he is just too lazy anymore I guess.

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Hi there Mary Beth

I was never around on the forum as much as you!! but I have also have been fairly quiet these last few months, what with work, builders in and around the house for the last year (amongst other things, bulding my studio - I must post a picture) and preparing for my first grandchild ( my eldest daughter is due in the next couple of weeks) it has been a busy year.

Co-incidentally I also put my feet up and and watched Claudia's DVD from start to finish last night. It was really good and I can't wait to give it a try although before then I've two quilts to finish!

Sadly I won't see you at MQS next year as I am going to MQX but maybe the following year.

Have a great weekend.

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MaryBeth, great hearing from you again. Love the tree stand story. My hubby is going to Washington in November to visit his son so my and the dog (my baby) will have the house to ourselves for a week or two (can you say ice cream and all things fattening).

Sharon, I love the pictures, I am so jealous!!! I love venison (even know how to cook it) but couldn't shoot bambi!!! Hunting season doesn't start until November here but the "hunters" are putting up their stands and spotting deer now.

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Sharon, great pictures! And great job posting for the first time, see it's not so hard.

Chris, congratulations on the new baby, you are going to have a blast with that one - trust me. Yes, I want to see pictures of your building project. Tim even sounded excited last time I talked to you all about the studio. You, my friend, are not going to find anyone at MQX who drives like me....just thought I should warn you. I will miss you, hope you come back to MQS in 2011.

Connie, if we get a deer (keep your fingers crossed that we don't), could you send me some recepies. I have a cookbook from the Ozarks with deer receipes and I do can deer meat and the guys like it that way, but there has to be something we can do to make it eatable.

Okay, last night did not go as planned. I went through the channels on television and found, "Pride and Prejudice”, I love that movie. So I put on my jammies, curled up on the couch with my favorite afghan and the box of Kleenex and away we go. I love those Jane Austen movies.

Today I spend the morning with Claudia (I wish), her DVD anyway, and try to glean all I can so I can finish Luke's quilt with a flurry of feathers.

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Mary Beth, it is great that you can have some time to just kick back, relax, and do as you wish! We have 30 acres and all the Corps land around the lake so DH just goes in the back yard to hunt. He's still around but out of sight :D This is a wonderful place for us to live because if there isn't a hunting season of some sort to keep him busy, there's the lake for fishing. It gives me all the time I need to do as I want and all I have to do is put something in the crock pot to feed him when he comes in and he's happy. :)

As for venison recipes, I prefer to keep the backstrap and grind the rest into burger. DH butchers the deer and removes all bone and tallow so there is no wild, nasty taste. I saute onions and fry the backstrap and the burger can be used for most anything burger is used for like chili, spaghetti, hot dishes, etc, but I don't make hamburgers from it.

Enjoy the hunting season!

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Beth, those pictures are from a couple years ago. We had alot of snow and the poor critters were starving, so they came to dine on our lawn, flower beds, new trees we had just planted...:mad: It was not unusual to drive in the yard after work and see a herd of 30 or 40 here. But I felt sorry for them so didn't often chase them away. I couldn't shoot Bambi either, Connie! As the pictures show, they became quite curious about the humans living behind those glass windows and got over their fear of us quite quickly. Oh, and YES, we do have snow already. It's supposed to warm up through the next week though, so am hoping we get a few more weeks of fall. The farmers around here aren't finished harvest yet.

MY DH is abit like yours Mary Beth. He buys a deer tag every year, and then almost hopes he doesn't get one, as then we'd have to figure out what to do with it! Probably sausage making time, but my preference would be to donate it to the food bank!

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Originally posted by jmcclannan

Mary Beth, you need to write a book. Your stories are a hoot!!

I have a blog you know :) I don't keep up everyday, and it was designed to be about quilting...but my stories keep getting in the way ;) I'm even starting to get a list of "followers"....:cool::cool::cool: way too cool!! :D

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