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Hello, I'm Parm! I am a newbie quilter who desperately wants a Millie!

Right now I have an HQ16, learning everything I can on this machine before I plunge for the Millie. I hope I can stay on this forum and learn from the pros. Oh I also have the Circle Lord system which I am learning to use as well. I sure wish I had more time to learn to quilt!



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Coleen, just checked out your blog, lovely family.

I have the same pattern you have for the applique (Primitive Garden), I will start it one day. How do you find working with wool? I was going to just use cottons, is that a good idea?:D:D

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Hey you guys are awesome!:P

Hey Connie and everyone,

Here's a bit about myself (since I love meeting new people all the time!)

I have 2 kids, 2 dogs, a hubby, a cat that ran away and never came back and a dog we had to put down earlier this year, (she was very sick). Love to set my aquarium up again, just havent't go around to it.

Wait there's more!

I'm going back to school right now, going for my RN....2 more years can't wait till its done. Was an electronics/computer technician in my previous life in the Canadian military (retired in 06). Such a busy life...so little time to play around on my machine. Think I need to readjust my priorities!

Oh yes, Parm is an Indian (India) name, actually short for Paramjit (it means something, one day I'll look it up).

I'm in Vancouver BC!!! The place of the 2010 Olympics yeah!:cool:

Anyone from around here?

Connie love your red Spyder, we have a 2007 orange Goldwing.

Mary Beth I think I'll take part in the CL Challenge.

Thanks for reading.

This group is so motivating for quilting!

(I'll post a pic once I figure it out!):P:P

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The HQ16 was my first machine, but I only lasted a year and a half with it because the small quilting space drove me crazy. So I switched to the Millenium with the fabric advance and smart bobbin.

You might want to check out the HQ group at groups.yahoo.com There's all kinds of advice geared specifically for that machine. But make sure you stay with this site, because it's awesome. You can post pictures and see everyone's fabulous quilting designs without going to an album.

Good luck with your machine. You'll be an expert in no time at all.

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