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My son is joining me in the business! - photo of first customer quilt!

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My son has decided to join me in the business while he continues his job search after college! He has an amazing affinity for pantographs - I think it's all those hours playing video games!?!?!

I'm doing a flyer to send to all the local quilt shops and guilds (Maryland side of D.C.). I'm hoping being a young man will spark some interest and some customers! My business is long-arm rental and custom work, so I don't have any regular panto customers to have him work with.

I'll try to post a picture of him with Lenni.



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He got his degree in Air Traffic Control and is waiting for the FAA to call him with a class date. Although lots of controllers are retiring and the FAA needs to hire about 1000 controllers a year, they are way behind and it could be as long as a year before he gets a call.

He's happy to sit home and hone his computer gaming skills, but I have a different idea about the necessity of having a job... So this is a happy compromise if it works out!


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Julia, I can just hear the conversation your Son is going to have with his Grandchildren when He is long retired from the air traffic control job. " yes sunny, when I got out of college back in twenty ten there were no FAA jobs available so for my Mother to keep me off the computer she got me started quilting quilts for people." Kept us fed and I even liked it.. . . No Sunny, I'm not that old, see. . . we used an electric needle. and my best friend was LENNIE. oH, you'd have to of been there to understand!!!!!!!! LOL Gail

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Gail, you are quite the story teller...;)

Julia, when I read your post the first thing I thought of is that he should get connected with Manquilter. And the Matt posted - and I'll be he would get some great input for the guys that are in the business. I wish you nothing but the very best in this new adventure for you and your son.:cool:

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What fun! He is a very nice looking young man. As for the job hunting part, it is tough out there. My DD, Jessica, is having a hard time finding a job too. She graduated last May. She moved with us to WI, as we have no family in the Richmond, VA area. She is either over qualified or under qualified...so how does one become qualified if no one gives you a chance? Of course, jobs are not plentiful in Wausau which doesn't help. Anyway, we are talking about starting a business together too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh my gosh, I think he is wearing MY hair :o My hair is also red and spiky! Mine is just slightly longer though. I am VERY partial to red heads :) I think you guys have a GREAT idea and I am envious. I wish my beautiful red headed daughter and I could start a business together. Good Luck!

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the quilting is beautiful! So smooth--funny, the first time I put a panto on my son showed up--just checking in...I was explaining how hard it was for me to go smoothly--it was leaves and acorns--I said, here, try it...and while he doesn't have the video game background, he took right to it! His was as smooth as could be! Said he didn't see what was so hard about it! I bet your son will really enjoy the creativity - and the joy he'll see in his customer's eyes! Good luck! I'm sure he's anxious to hear from the FAA-but what a grand fill-in opportunity for both of you! Jane

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I think you are especially lucky to be sharing a business with your son. In past generations parents could be reasonably sure that they would continue to have close relationships with their kids as the kids learned, and then took over, the family business.

All of my children have gone on to independent lives. We enjoy visiting with them, but I don't have that really close relationship that I had with my mom as I worked with her in her business. You are a lucky woman, and he is a lucky young man. Even if it doesn't last long, it will be a time you both treasure in years to come.

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