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Very NQR - a sad day for our household

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We all do sure love our little fury friends, nothing seems more loyal or more accepting than our pets. I too have lost many over the years due to old age, but losing one so quickly and tragically is heartbreaking. So sorry to hear of your loss. Praying Chugs is in safely chasing butterflies in a much safer place.

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Oh Barb..I am so sorry!

I know what your going thru. I came home from a vacation to hear mine had been run over by a car too. Had to pick him up in a cardboard box at the humane society..while they said..."please dont open the box."

Those lovely little cats and dogs sure find a fast way into our hearts and lives, and they forever stay there.

My thoughts are with you.

See you in 6 days!

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Sorry to hear the sad news about Chugs. It is a sad day for you and your boys.

I know it isn't the same at all, but even when my hamster died I cried so much (mind you I was 16 at the time) that said, pets are special to us, and when our current hamster dies, I will be crying all day.

If we could have a dog (my DH is allergic) we would.

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I'm so sorry to hear about Chugs and how you had to find him. Heart hurt big time. May our words and support for you and your grown boys help you through this. You can tell Chug was special and he had a great life with you.

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Barb, I'm very sorry you have to go thru this, moreso in having to tell the boys.

I am one of the never again people, it just hurts too much, and I hurt enough for people and their situations.

May God ease your heart and help you tell the boys..


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Thank you for all the comforting words - and especially the prayers. Yes, he was just a dog, but he was so much more than that. Slept on the bed between us at night, kept the coyotes away (and he was only 25# soaking wet!), went for walks with my DH, announced visitors, tore through the house looking for us when he'd come in from his travels - he was what made being alone tolerable for me, when my DH would have to spend months away. I'm better this morning, somewhat - my DH is on a plane home. So we will grieve together, and together we'll find a way to tell our boys.

Last night would have been unbearable without the solace of this group, so my thanks come from my heart.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my 2 Saint Bernards within two months of each other, it took me 4 years before I could think about adopting another dog. Animals bring so much to our lives.

I can't believe that who ever hit her didn't even have the decency to stop.


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I am so sorry. I totally understand your loss. My Rotti died this summer. He took a piece of my heart with him. I am tearing up just writing about it.

Do not ever underestimate your loss of a dog, who else loves you unconditionally but your dog.

Chugs will be greatly missed but when your heart is ready it will heal by loving another.

Although it is not the same, my new pup has given me the chance to open my heart up once again. I will forever miss my Rotti and he could never be replaced but I know I am a better person for having him in my life.

So if you ever need to talk or vent in an email please do not hesitate. I get it.


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Thank you, Lisa - I'm tearing up, too:(:(:(

But my DH (who flew home this morning to be with me) and I are already talking about a new pup (or two), maybe as early as this summer. Chugs gave us too much love and enjoyment to let that be missing for very long.

A bummer, though - with all this, I have completely lost enthusiasm for the quilt I was working on for the MQS Audacious Auction - guess it'll have to wait until next year. Can't see through the tears to quilt.....

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Barb, I feel I need to chime in again on this subject. In August 2000 I lost "Happy" the joy of my life (in the doggie world). We got a new puppy in Oct. We got the same breed (Lhasa Apso). Well, although I knew better and tried to avoid it, I compaired "Daisy" to Happy. It was wrong of me. Daisy is so darned sweet but she is NOT Happy. I could have avoided this by getting a different breed. Just think about this before you select the next love of your life. Good luck in your selection. I hope he/she will fill the hole in your heart!

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