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NQR - I Finally Got A Answer!

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Some of you may know that I have been having some medical problems. About five months ago I started experiencing horrible headaches that were so bad at time I couldn’t function. I would experience blurred vision, dizziness, loss of balance and occasional black outs. These headaches have continued to get worse to the point I haven’t been able to work or do much of anything the past couple of months. I have been in and out of the Hospital numerous times. I have had test after test over the past couple of months. The first tests showed that I had two spots on my brain, after a few more test, the two Doctors I was seeing were almost positive that I had MS. I was referred to a specialist, there after it was a lot more test after test. In the mean time I have had no relief from these headaches (that never go away). And besides the horrible headaches, I had no idea what was wrong. There were a lot of could be this or could be that, but nothing for sure. It was driving me nuts not knowing and fearing the worse. The Doctor finally got all the results of my tests and he gave me a call late this afternoon. I do not have MS or anything like that! I do have two small tumors in my brain, but he is positive that they are not malignant (cancer). From the first Cat Scan and MRI’s to the latest ones there has been no change in the tumors. He stated that we will monitor them closely, but it is best that we let sleeping dogs lie. So if and when there is any changes, then we will take action. He believes that with the right medications we can control these headaches. So tomorrow I pick up a new group of medications and hope tonight will be the last night I have to deal with these headaches.

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Better living through chemistry, I alway say:P:D All kidding aside, I'm glad you found out that you do not have MS or malignant tumors. Benign (sp?) tumors are something you can handle if they can give you the right drugs to handle the pain. Hang in there...it has to feel good to finally have an answer!! Let us know if the drugs work.

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I know you were just so relieved you did not have MS. That is such an awful diagnosis! Did they say where the spots are on the brain? I had a friend whose little girl had the non-malignant ones and they did grow. She went into the hospital for surgery and the night before surgery she went into a sneezing fit and sneezed then out her nose. No kidding. It took her about an hour to finally get them all drained out but they were gone. You just never know. Prayers to you and celebrate the good news you got so far! Hope the meds work for you!

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Guest Linda S

Liam - I'm so glad you're getting some answers and I really hope you can get the headaches under control. I seem to be experiencing one health issue after another, so I know how you feel about going through all this stuff. Hang in there. I hope the new meds do the trick!


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Not sure if you have tried chiropractic or not. I used to have several debilitating headaches each month with several dull ache one per week. In January I finally switched chiropractors. After a FULL series of back and neck exrays he found my lower back way of place causing my neck to have the wrong curve. This did not happen overnight. He estimates over a 15 to 20 year period. Anyway, after only a couple of treatments from him my headaches have all but disappeared. My original chiropractor did not have the same approach but I am so glad I tried switching. I seldom grab the tylenol bottle any more!!

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I'm so sorry you have had to suffer so much. Headaches are no fun at all. I get migraines and they are just miserable but thankfully I don't have them every day like you! I'll say extra prayers that they can get the pain controlled and that the tumors go away as quick as they came! So glad they are not malignant! Hang in there. Prayers coming your way!

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Thanks everyone! It is like a weight is lifted finally knowing what is going on. The not knowing and all the could be this or that's , were really getting to me. But now I know what I am dealing with and I can move forward. Hopefully it don't take too long to find the right Meds to get these headaches under control. Again thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.....they are greatly appreciated!

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