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It's hard to keep up

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I waited for over a year to order my LG and finally bit the bullet and ordered them and while they were laying on my quilt room floor waiting to be put on the RS topic appeared and how everyone liked them better. aarrgghhhh. I attached my LG to my zippered leaders so I can use either the LG or the zippers. I will be happy with them.;)

I waited over a year to order my Edgerider wheels although everyone loved them. Less than a week after I got them they came out with the M&M wheels. aaarrrggghhh. I liked the ER wheels for the first quilt or two then I hated them. I had problems doing diagonal lines which I never had before. I finally bit the bullet this week and ordered the M&M wheels. I will love them.;)

I wanted the Bliss system, but there seems to be a bit of a problem using it with my particular computer system and since I have more invested into my computer system than I would the Bliss I guess I get to wait until they are made compatible, which is why I went ahead and ordered the M&M wheels.

Now the topic is cutting tables and I want a new one. Mine came from JoAnn's over 20 years ago and has worked well for me, but it's time to replace it. I think it is time to sit down and look at my room and what I really need and want in there. And make a PLAN! LOL!:D

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Originally posted by sagebrushquilter

Oma...if it makes you feel better...i am going to put er wheels on my liberty..not mm wheels...and I still pin my quilts!;)

Why are you choosing ER over the MM? Have you tried both? Inquiring minds want to know these things...LOL. I have barely used my wheels, I have cleaned them, adjusted them, readjusted them...everything...and they still seem to have a drag in them. I can go up and down or back and forth fine, but try to make a circle and it comes out a box. I never had that trouble before. Or try to go diagonal and it's like I'm dragging it.

And I still pin sometimes too. It's been a toss up on whether I would pin or use the zippers...sometimes I pin my backs onto my zipper leaders then zip. I'm really hoping I prefer the LG. We won't talk about my husbands nice stapler I broke trying to make it staple in reverse...LOL...or the new one I bought that will do that.

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I took the er wheels off my millie...and went to mms. Have a hard time moving diagonally...so maybe it is adjustment time, but I see little difference in the mms. Just my opinion.

Since i have the ers...that is why they are going on my liberty. I feel they are better than the original wheels.

it was suggested that tightening my mm wheels might get them to behave nicer.

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I just spent some time this week tweeking on Millie with her M&M wheels. Dawn Cavanaugh and Myrna Ficken helped with suggestions so contact either one of them to help you. I was able to make HUGE improvements. I was seriously considering BLISS but I am happy to work with Millie & M&M wheels for a while now as it made that much difference!! There was a big difference when they put the M&M's on and now it is even BETTER!! I have the M&M's on my Freedom also and it moves like butter.

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I would love to have the M&M's on my Lenni, but if I'm understanding right they are not compatible with my version of Lenni and probably won't be. And speaking of changes after you get something, I wanted a 12 ft table with Lenni and it was not offered when she came out, but it was available, just not mentioned as a choice. ARGGGHHH. An the same is true for the size of Lenni. I can exchange the table, if I pay shipping to return mine and ship the new one, about $200. Money is not growing on my trees the last time I looked:P so I'll just keep the 10 ft and be happy and don't test drive M&M's or Bliss at the shows; that's to keep temptation at a minimum.

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I know Oma, always a new and improved gadget or product comes out... gotta have it! :P

I'm wierd and old fashioned... I, too, actually like pinning my quilts to the leaders and it's been so long I can't remember the last time I stuck myself with a pin. Now that I've said that, I've jinxed myself and I will surely stick myself and bleed all over the leaders this weekend. :D

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I have edge riders and pin my quilts. Love the edge riders (after I finally got them adjusted) I finally figured out that there will always be something newer and better than what I have. If I spend all my time and money getting the newest, then I lose time honing my skills and spending my money on something else.

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Ok, let me get this straight. You all like the ER wheels just fine and wouldn't necessarily replace them with the M&Ms? We replaced the original wheels with the ER's, at the time DH said that he thought that the originals were better. After reading about the M&M's on here, I was planning to buy them. DH said that he hoped that they would be better than the ER's. (He doesn't quilt, just looks at it technically.) What he didn't like about the ER's was having to put all of the spacers in and getting it to work with the SR. So now I don't know what to do. I can't make circles to save my life, they are boxes too. I can't afford Bliss. I test drove it and wasn't that crazy about it. (Not $3000 worth of crazy.) What should I do? I also have to consider that my 85 yo Mom uses the machine too. She needs it to move really easily, she isn't as strong as she used to be. Any advice? I am so confused.:(

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I have had my Edgeriders on my Freedom for over 2 years now and my machine just floats. With the Edgerider wheels, you adjust them so that the upper part of the curve is riding along the rail and that is the sweet spot. You do not need to ever adjust them once you have them in the correct position.

I have found on the carriage front, the 2 cams should be pointed towards 12 oclock when standing at the front (the tightest position you can get them on the carriage). The 2 cams on the machine axles when standing at the front should be pointed to about 10 oclock. This get the wheels on the upper part of the curve.

Once you have this sweet spot, just leave the wheels alone, do not constantly adjust them.

Yes, if you do have a wheel that goes bad, you can replace just that wheel, you don't need to buy a whole set.

Sara, call me if you want to talk about the wheel adjustment. You should be getting round curves. If you have the top part of the wheel (lip of the wheel) sitting on the rail, this will cause drag.

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Patty, you just gave me more instructions than I have found anywhere including the instructions that came with wheels. I understood about the cams, but I sure don't remember any mention as to where that setting should be or how to set it. I searched the internet for info about them (except having enough nerve to ask somebody here LOL). They said to have them adjusted so that the wheel edge doesn't touch the rail, but when I tried to do that the wheel sat crooked.

So...without going upstairs and looking right at the moment...do I have four cams? Two on the front and two on the back? I thought I only had cams on the front and back on the one (left) side. Do your wheels all sit even and straight? I'll check that out and get back to you.

I will feel so stupid if I've been sitting around not quilting because I hated those wheels when they are good wheels just needing adjustment and all I had to do was ask someone on this forum.

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Yes you have 4 cams. Two on the carriage that the machine rides on, right hand side and 2 at the front of the machine that hold the carriage to the rails. There is a gold bolt underneath that you will have to tighten once you have them adjusted right. The should be straight and not leaning. When the wheels lose (leaning) you will have drag.

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Ok...I have four cams...yay! If I am standing at the front of the machine (I'm calling the front opposite of where I would stand to do pantos). So if I am trying to adjust them to the 12 o'clock position I would make them point towards the back of the machine while standing in front of the machine. And using that logic the two cams in the front on the rails should point at the 10 o'clock position or slightly to the left.

Here's my problem. I'm not deciphering the "point" marks on the cam.

I have two cams on the front (one on left and one on right) on the part that holds the carriage onto the frame.

I have two cams on the left side (one in front and one in back) which hold the machine onto the carriage.

These cams have different markings on the top of them. I will try to put a picture on here.

This cam is on the machine/carriage. I will clean that when I go back upstairs. LOL

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This is the other cam which is on the carriage/rail. Where on this cam are you referring to as "point"

The little black markings are ones I put on which marked my old wheel alignment because I thougt it might be pertinent...obviously is not. What part of this cam is considered "the point" which should face 10 o'clock.

I certainly hope this is helping lots of other people and I'm not coming off as "having no clue". LOL

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I just found Dawn's description she posted on 7/13/2007 which makes sense so I printed them out and I'm headed to my room to see what I can accomplish. That info and my edgerider info and the two previous posts by Patty and Heidi should entertain me for a bit.

If it doesn't work then I'm going to finish piecing my owl quilt and wait for the M&M wheels to arrive I guess.

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Hi Oma, sorry, I was out at a retreat all day, just got back in. You don't pay attention to any of those number markings on the cam or offset nut shown in your picture. What you are looking for is the narrowest part of the nut. Put a sharpie line like mentioned above and that is your reference line. On the 2 cams at the front of the carriage (side to side movement) those are the ones that you set to 12 oclock.

The two on the left side of the sewing head on the axles are the ones that point towards 9 to 10. Each machine is a bit different. What you are looking for is the wheel to ride along the rail on the upper part of the curve of the wheel. And not the lip of the wheel resting on the rail.

What do you mean they sat crooked? When did you get the wheels? In the last 2 years, there have been new instructions and some additional hardware for a better installation. If you wheels are older than this, you may need some additional washers.

If you want to call me tomorrow, or email me pictures... Maybe I can help.

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I love my ER wheels, and I still pin. Keep tweeking. You'll get it and will love them. Those cams are a pain and took me a while to adjust. I know a while back someone posted pics of the wheels and how they were supposed to look on the rails. I think it was Patty, but I'm not sure. I will look to see if I can find them. They were very helpful to me.


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