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a new use for scraps

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I just had a fellow teacher tell me she puts all her scraps, thread cutting and batting pieces into a pillow case she made until half (or so) full. She then stitches it closed and heads off to the local animal shelter with her prize for all the needy pups and kits as beds. Now that's a great way to use up your unusable waste.

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Originally posted by ffq-lar

So Shannon, if I come visit you will you make me a bed with a heating pad and Kaffe Fassett fabric scraps to snuggle under?

i can do better than that!!!

how bought an electric blanket and a quilt made from fassett fabrics??? you'd never leave, huh :P

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Our local officials said to leave them and let nature take its course cause they didn't do squirrels. We went to the local farm & barn store and got a kit with different nipples and a bottle and found one that Fred, pre- Frederica) liked used a little cat milk replacer and bottle fed him/her until it started eating nuts, dandelion greens, etc. She used to ride around in my front shirt pocket. Made a cage and a wheel for her as all were too small at the pet store. She'd run around the kitchen table and steal my cheerios out of my bowl --LOL. I took the cage down in the woods and left the door open after about a year as I had made a nesting box on the side for her and wanted her to have a safe place in her new adventure. I couldn't figure out why she would run around in the trees and come back to her cage and run on the wheel though. Well she got a boyfriend and became a little more skittish but would still run up and on our picnic table and steal nuts out of my pocket. Last year she would just sit in her tree and bark at me. I think she had babies close by as she had stopped using her nesting box. We'll have to see if she's around again this year.

So good luck Shannon--They are possessive of one person and are a blast to watch and play with, Oh- our dogs would have a nervous eye at first and a quivering lip when I would set Frederica on them and make them behave. They got used to it and Frederica would ride around on Blaze our past Border Collie. I don't know but Barney seems to be pretty level minded. Maybe your shelter will take them. Just hope they give them a good start in their squirrely lives! Take Care Grasshopper

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lord knows, i don't need anymore critters :)

after traffic died down, i took them to a lady who is a licensed rehabber here in town. she specializes in squirrels, so they are in safe hands. she said they were healthy (all things considered) and immediately gave them a small fluid injection and would feed them a little later.

i would of liked to keep them, but i know that squirrels are very distructive, and barney's a hunting dog- he knows that squirrels are the 'enemy'...plus it's illegal in GA to have a wild animal as a pet (without proper licensing- hence the rehabber)

i just don't have the time or knowledge to do right by them...but they were so darned cute and i did have a couple hours to love on them.

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