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Mr. Owl Quilted Purse (ipad bag)

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I took my cousin to MQS this spring. She doesn't quilt, but spotted an owl purse sample in a vendor booth and fell in love. I couldn't quite believe it at first, as I would never be caught dead holding it in public, but when I realized she was serious, I shut up pretty quickly. I admire her sense of humor.

I offered to make it for her, since I was bunking up at her house for 5 days while I attended MQS. She wanted me to make it big enough to hold her new ipad. So I enlarged the pattern to make it fit.

You were supposed to use fusible batting, but I don't have any, so I used QD Poly Select and fused it to Mr. Owl's appendage pieces. I found it difficult to turn the little legs, etc. inside out, so I remade them and stuffed with little cut-up pieces of Hobbs batting.

Since I did not use fusible batting, the front fabric was sagging from the weight of Mr. Owl's appendages, so I decided to quilt loops on the longarm. This was not easy, since I couldn't use the clamps, so I held it taut with one hand and anchored the handles on the front roller bar by leaning against them. It didn't turn out that great but I used invisible thread and it just looks like a bunch of messy feathers. Mr. Owl didn't mind. The back I quilted straight lines up and down 1" apart.

After I quilted the front, the eyes and breast puffed up, so I trapuntoed them with more cut up wool batting. Although I am not a purse-making addict like some of my friends, it was a fun project -- now I just need to add a clasp.

The pattern is called The Owl & The Pussycat (yes, there is a cat purse, too) by:



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Originally posted by JustSewSimple

Now, how old is your cousin? The bag is cute and you had to have worked hard on it to get it to stand up and sit correctly! The things we do for love!

My cousin, Char, just turned 50. :)

Like I said, she has a good sense of humor. You ought to see the costumes she makes her husband wear on Halloween!

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