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NQR...Oncology update... bottom of page 2

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Attitude is everything is what I've always been told when going through this kicking-cancer-to-the-curb process. I've had two really great friends that have been though it. I have no doubt you will get through this, especially with all the support you have, and your amazing attitude towards it. Praying for you.

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Hi Lyn, many prayers are going uip for you and yours, and now more. It is so easy to pray in a spare moment..

Just think, you may lose your hair and you two will match. j/k.

Prayers for the medical staff that will be caring for you, may their thoughts and proceedures be all that God can want. May you and your hubby have a very easy time through this.

May it be Gods will that you are and will be cancer free, now and forever.

Our daughters father-in-law had cancer and G'ma and G'pa were taking two of their grand sons down to Disney World. They were on a freeway and doing the max speed, when G'pa decided to open his window. The two boys asked him to close the window as clumps of his hair was blowing back on them. I was told that was about the most funny and joyful moment he'd had in a couple years.

S0, if your hair comes out, remember Paul Sr. and the boys. Michael and Alex still chuckle about it..

God bless and keep smiling, it helps you and others who see it.

God is very good!

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Hi Lyn. I am also sending a prayer for your strength as you go through chemo. I love your positive attitude and your ability to look at the sunny side of losing your hair. I am adding your DH to my prayers for his strength to sustain you both through this time.

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Good thoughts go with you. A dear friend of mine is undergoing chemo for Liver cancer and they told her she would lose her hair after the 2nd round. She never did !!! It is a bit thinner, but not much. She was all prepared for her hair to fall out, crocheted some hats to wear and everything. So far, she still has her hair. It's been several months now.

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Hi to my praying "cheerleaders"!

I've laughed and chuckled and been encouraged so much by all of you! Just the thoughts you shared were so filled with joy. My having a "Shirley Temple doo" (thanks, Bonnie!); matching my hair-challenged husband and watching Grandpa's hair blow out the window (thanks, Rita!); complimenting my positive attitude and faith (thanks, Charmaine, Cindy, Bekah, Laura, Lucy, Heidi, Kim, Carol, and all of you sweethearts); another who offered to shave in support (thanks, Lynn Marie). May those happy comments flow from your lips to our Lord's ears!!

God bless you all!!!


PS... those who offered to shave heads, please keep your hair so I know what I'm heading for. :) With Spring coming, maybe just shaving our legs is enough support. Winter has been a long time (I'm just saying....}:P

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All drains removed as of today. I can actually shower...like a real, honest-to-goodness shower tomorrow morning. Wow!! It's an amazing blessing that I really hadn't thought about much till now.

We're going to the oncologist tomorrow to learn about what chemo and when. Sigh......

Blessings to all!


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Lin, I've been absent so much the last few months that I'm just seeing this. My prayers will be joining all of the others here and I love your attitude also. I read your post about not shaving our heads but to shave our legs! Made my day:D:D:D. I also have a friend who went through Chemo and she started with straight med brown hair and when it all grew back in, it is a beautiful salt and pepper with one wide streak of white and it came in curly and wavey and much thicker too! I'm also praying for your hubby. Sometimes the stress that he will go through is not noticed and yet he will be trying to stay strong for you. God is still in the business of healing all. God bless you both as you walk through this cancer. :)

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Lin, think of loosing your hair as your badge of courage. I began my chemo in August and my hair is starting to grow back now. My daughter tells me I now look sufficently "hairy" to go without the scarf or hat except when it's cold. I no longer have bad days, just good or better. You're so fortunate the cancer was contained. If you're not familiar with this web site, try it. It has lots of info and suport regarding breast cancer. http://community.breastcancer.org/

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Hi sweet Sisters of Encouragement!

The oncology appointment was very encouraging. However, we were thrown a "curve" we weren't expecting. The doctor is having me tested with an "Oncotype DX" test, which measures likelihood of cancer recurrence, using 21 genes from my tumor. He thinks I am in a "gray area", where chemotherapy could possibly cause more negative side effects than it could bring benefit. (remember my "allergic reaction" to several drugs used during surgery?) They want to see if the tumor scores "low" on the recurrence scale...if it does, traditional chemo may make little difference. I would be on adjuvant chemo for 5 years (Arimodex, to block all estrogen, which my tumor happens to feed on.) The doctor also said, it is pretty likely that the mastectomy may have "cured" me, but there's no way to be certain.

When I asked what would happen if it did return, we were told that it would likely be Stage !V, meaning it had grown somewhere else like lungs, brain, liver or bones. YIKES!! At that point, it could be "managed", but not cured. Oh dear! Prayers for wisdom and discernment would be greatly appreciated.

I'd love to hear from any of you who knows anything about this. If only one of my relatives was an oncologist, so I could hear an opinion "off the record"(not just statistics!!)

All that being said, I trust in the Great Physician and have faith that I am in His hands. I pray that He will "talk loud" to this quilting Grandma, so I know what His will is.

Thanks again to all of you who are sharing your personal journey and prayers and encouragement. It means so much!!!

Sending blessings from my grateful heart!

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