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What's up with the "block swap"

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Mine are done and in Shannon's hands!

Shannon, I sent a little something for you the other day as a "thank you." You should be getting it soon. I started following your blog and I can't wait for some free time to get started on your 2012 BOM. Wish I hadn't missed out on last year's BOM -- it looked like fun to piece. This year's doesn't look a disappointing either!

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Bummer I have to bail out....some of my blocks are off by 1/32 to 1/16 of an inch in certain spots......think I need to perfect my 1/4 inch seam and ironing!!! :(

No worries, I will trim down to 12.5 and have 12 inch blocks finished instead.

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Originally posted by Parm

Bummer I have to bail out....some of my blocks are off by 1/32 to 1/16 of an inch in certain spots......think I need to perfect my 1/4 inch seam and ironing!!! :(

No worries, I will trim down to 12.5 and have 12 inch blocks finished instead.

Wow...hun, if that's all, I think you'd be ok.

I wonder how many of us will have some blocks that are not exactly 13" when finished. I didnt even measure yet.

I personally think eveyone's 1/4" foot is manufactured differently, and there IS a chance we can be that 1/8" off.

Shannon, what's your take on this hun? And, those that have finished, have you measured to ensure they are all 13" unfinished?

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Shannon, what's your take on this hun? And, those that have finished, have you measured to ensure they are all 13" unfinished?

i'm okay with 1/32 to 1/16 off cause that can easily be compensated in the finished quilt. if there is 1/4 inch or more difference that's when i get a little concerned.

when i get someone's squishy, i pull out a random block and measure. so far, sew good :)

the one thing that is a big concern for me is that most (not all) of the ones i've received so far are not following the directions about folding the finished blocks. i ask for that to be done cause it helps ME when i swap all the blocks. it saves me time cause it makes it easier for me to count, stack, and put the swapped blocks back into the SASEes....think about it- i have to content with 600+ loose blocks. taking the time to fold them as asked makes the swap procedure SO much faster and easier on me...

and to be honest- it makes me second guess about hosting another...

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I dont blame you Shannon.

This is a HUGE undertaking. For those that have not coordinated BIG things like this, it really can be a hassle..as well as a demand on your extra time.

I think it was AWSOME of Shannon to put ALL the specifics into the instruction pages she made. ALL was laid out 100% on the table, THATS why I joined in on this swap.

The last one I was in, was not 100%. I got blocks with printed white on white...etc. and it really made me think twice about joining another.

After reading Shannon's instructions, I felt I couldn't go wrong. It was 100% complete with ALL instructions, questions that would be asked, etc.

Shannon, I BOW down to you oh mighty swap queen! You did what most wouldn't venture out to do!

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This was my first ever endeavor and I was amazed at how well Shannon had all the instructions laid out so plain and simple. Her requests for sending, pressing, postage and all were not difficult to follow, I thoroughly enjoyed this and hope Shannon will consider another one at some point in time,...cause you can bet I will be a willing participant...Thanks

The only problem I see...March 31 is still a LLLLOOOONNNGGG way off. That is ok though...i need time to practice using Miz Marti, a whole new game longarming, but am having a wonderful time.^_^

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I got about 20 done and got maybe 9 or 10 to go. As you ALL know, I trimmed the first batch of blocks to 12 1/2". I did have them folded and named on each though. Mailed them too. Thanks for sending them back, Shannon. I will finish it for a silent auction the Humane society will be doing in May.

So I am on my second batch of blocks and being very careful that they are 13 inches. I have cut them a tad bigger because I think my 1/4 foot is a tad bigger when sewing. My blocks are coming out 13 inches and I am trimming just the threads off. I will double check all the blocks before I send them to make sure they are good. Shucks, shipping just went up too.

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