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Try not to laugh at me too hard...

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Not sure what's up with me lately, but I have been having all sorts of accidents, but this one I thought you all would get a kick out of...

Last night I got bucked off my saddle stool! :o I can be sooooo stupid. I have a saddle stool for my domestic machine as well, I really like it. For a week now my foot has been hurting. Last night as I was sewing, I put my foot up on the counter, while sitting on my saddle stool, to see if I could figure out what was hurting. Then foot still up, I swiveled around to reach for something and over I went, landing on my elbow...OUCH! Guess what?! My foot doesn't hurt so much any more.....;):P

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Oh Ardelle, the pictures in my head!!

I can totally relate, my saddle stool is up quite high because I'm tall and the first few times I climbed on and off were less than graceful, I've come very close to being bucked off several times, hope your elbow is ok, maybe sit on the floor to look at your foot, that should keep you from harm.

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Ardelle, It is good you aren't hurt more. Elbows can be quite painful.... use duct tape to hold you on. Then when you go over, you'll have something to cuddle you, after the landing.

That sounds so rude yet is not meant that way..

Keep yourself safe, enjoy life, safely.

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