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I'm in my last week of treatment


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Yay! Four more treatments to go. I still think they are trying to burn my breast off. OMG! I am blistered on my side under my arm and the complete underside of my left breast and since this is the last week they are concentrating on my incision site so I will be blistered on my breast from side to side. OUCH!!! I've had a reaction to just about every thing they have given me to put on my skin to help except the Aloe Vera which burns like a son of a gun for a least ten minutes after putting it on. Two weeks ago we tried an adhesive (just on the edges) bandage over the whole area under my arm so my arm wouldn't stick to my side and my skin blistered every where that bandage was. Lesson learned...lol. I have a new use for old white cotton t-shirts.

They are truly a great bunch of people at the cancer center. Last week I gave them chocolate so they wouldn't feel so badly for me. They just looked like that needed it. I'm trying to make microwave bowl potholders for four of them, but I'm having trouble keeping up enough energy to do it. I thought about it last night and I've decided to only make them two apiece instead of four and that may be doable. That drops the amount to just eight potholders. I should be able to do that.

I've gotten my Christmas cards done and sent...all the birthday cards for this month done and sent...all the Christmas packages (except one) and money that needed to be sent done. Remember we have six kids with spouses and nine grandchildren. I still have two packages to wrap for my two friends, but they are local so that won't be too hard. My husband got out all of the Christmas decorations last Friday and sat up the tree and that's where everything still is. He and I will finish decorating the tree this week so he can put the boxes away and we should be good for a while.

Life is still good (if not a little painful) and the future is looking great. I hope to be back quilting very soon. I'm missing it. I love looking at all of your quilts and projects. Keep posting them please.

Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts...I know they have helped.

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geez, oma, don't you think you deserve to wallow a bit and have people make gifts for you?

i know i would be hard pressed to remain so upbeat if i were going through all you have endured.

your attitude is amazing and inspiring.

i'm praying for you.

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Gosh, Oma, hopefully you are on the downhill slide and this will soon be behind you! Sounds like you have everything arranged for the holidays, and I imagine that gives you peace of mind. The pot holders sound lovely, and I am sure they will be enjoyed much by the folks who have cared for you. What a thoughtful gift! Take care of yourself, and I will continue sending you thoughts of strength and healing, and most of all ((((hugs)))) for you and your hubby! Enjoy the holidays!

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Woot woot! Awesome. I'm sorry for the burns those can't be fun but I'm so glad you are almost done. My friends daughter has 11 more radiation treatments and hopefully she'll be done too. By the way you are further ahead on Christmas than I am! I don't have much shopping done yet, don't have a tree up, nothing outside. Oh well I'll just do the best I can. I'm not even going to bake cookies this year and I think my son almost had a heart attack! I got to thinking about it and I have baked cookies every year of his life and he'll be 30 in Jan! I'll have to make a few and definitely his fudge but I won't be doing 50 doz that is for sure.

I'm so thankful you are doing well and soon will be on the mend!

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One year when one of my kids mentioned that so and so's mother was baking cookies and I was working 12 hour night shifts and dying I put Oreo cookies on a pan and sat them on top of the stove like they were cooling and when the kids came home from school they thought I made them and they still tell their friends that I can make Oreo cookies that are EXACTLY like the ones from the store. I'm not sure if they didn't want to call me a fraud or if they were that (shhh) stupid...lol...either way it worked out fine. There are times I'm willing to take the short cut.

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One year when one of my kids mentioned that so and so's mother was baking cookies and I was working 12 hour night shifts and dying I put Oreo cookies on a pan and sat them on top of the stove like they were cooling and when the kids came home from school they thought I made them and they still tell their friends that I can make Oreo cookies that are EXACTLY like the ones from the store. I'm not sure if they didn't want to call me a fraud or if they were that (shhh) stupid...lol...either way it worked out fine.

Hilarious! My kids don't like most boxed cookies. I do have a funny story though. My husband got a can of those butter cookies from his mother and he said, "Oh store bought cookies, I love them and never get them!" I think I'll buy him a can this year.

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It's good to hear that you are so active and upbeat Oma. And that you are so close to being done. Yeah! I'm happy for you, although I'm wincing at your pain. I have that reaction to bandaids too. Can't use them. Can't tolerate most ointments. Doc says it's my age. I'm tired of hearing that. Bah humbug.

Love the cookie story, I'll have to remember that for future.use. I asked my husband today at lunch which Christmas cookies he'd like me to bake this year. He started naming off cookies that I've never made. I asked him, have you met me? We've been together for 30 years, and he can't pick cookies that I know how to make ?! Guess it's time to try some new recipes. I'm thinking about homemade Oreos, fresh out of the carton.... :)

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I am so glad you are getting close to finishing up those treatments...I am sorry that your skin is so sensitive to bandages, I have that problem too...

You are one busy lady! It puts me to shame...:(

I love your oreo story, I haven't tried that one but I will....:)

(I seem to get carried away on the happy faces....)

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I have been missing my mother and father so much this year. "Walling in self pity"


Your story is so touching, it makes me realize how much hell you, my parents and most of all Jesus went through on earth. You deserve a seat at the right hand of Jesus and an eternal life without pain in heaven. Keep the faith and keep sharing your faith with us. I pray that your pain subsides soon and know that this must have been the same pain Jesus suffered for us. May you find peace and comfort knowing we are all here praying that your pain ceases soon. May you have a Blessed and Peaceful Christmas season.

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Hi Oma,

Have they given you any silvadene ointment? The radiation clinic here uses that for radiation burns. I can't be sure if its used by other clinics but if you haven't tried it, its worth asking about.

So sorry you are experiencing such bad side effects. Feel better soon,


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Hi Oma,

Have they given you any silvadene ointment? The radiation clinic here uses that for radiation burns. I can't be sure if its used by other clinics but if you haven't tried it, its worth asking about.

So sorry you are experiencing such bad side effects. Feel better soon,


Yes and it felt pretty good the first time then it turned everything "gooey" and very "weepy" even though I used a scant amount (remembered instructions from my ER days). Then the second time I used it everything looked and felt like I turned the heat up high. Settled down a little when I stopped using it. I used the term "blisters", but actually it looks more like when the blisters have been torn off and the burn goes down a couple of layers. My "blisters" didn't tear off they melted off. They will start to get better in a few days since they aren't hitting me in those spots any more. I just hope to keep the damage low to the spots they are hitting this week, but even those will start to heal in a week or so after they stop treatment.

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