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Another Newbie out of lurking....

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Hi, Everyone!

I am another newbie on the list. I brought home my new to me Millie in December and we finally got everything up and running right after Christmas. I am beside myself with happiness. :) I took a longarm class with a wonderful teacher, quilted a bit and jumped in feet first. Crazy? Yes, but in reading in this forum I am sure you all understand. Ha! I am thoroughly enjoying reading and learning on the forum, and I look forward to getting to know you all on here. It seems like a wonderful group of people.


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Ok, I will see if I can post a picture of my second longarm attempt after my class and before I brought my Millie home. It was a practice quilt to try out freehanding. I had a blast getting used to the movement. Some ideas successful...some not so much. ;) but all of it fun.

<a href=" image title="image by sillyewe, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8360/8358331677_939d45b864.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="image"></a>

And this is a Niemeyer bedrunner done on my domestic BLA. (before longarm)

<a href=" Bali Wedding Star title="Bali Wedding Star by sillyewe, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8304/7833353210_64deb390a2.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="Bali Wedding Star"></a>

<a href=" Bali Wedding Star title="Bali Wedding Star by sillyewe, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8308/7833355816_997fbcbf9e.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="Bali Wedding Star"></a>

Hope this works........

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