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NQR Surgery

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Hi forum prayer warriors.  I am scheduled for my kidney cancer surgery on Thursday at 1 pm. They tell me I will be in hospital 3-5 days.  Thank you all in advance for your prayers.  I have so much peace and joy in my life that I just have to share how great God is.  I am thankful for for all who pray and believe in Jesus. 

Thank You all again.


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Will definitely pray that surgery goes well and you have a complete recovery.  No matter what we go through in this life , I often find great comfort in 1Jo 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
(KJV)  Where we spend eternity is what this life is all about.  Quilting is fun and we can be an encouragement to others through it in the giving of quilts, helping to preserve memories, etc., but by being obedient to God and His word, we can have the confidence that John speaks about.

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