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Asking for prayers for our Son in Law in surgery.

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Hi Prayer warriors.


I haven't been on too  much lately, but today I reach out to you all for the next few weeks. Our son in law, Adam,  is having brain surgery for seizures.  He is in the stage one right now.  He should be out by about noon and in recovery for 2 to 3 hours.  The concerns for prayers as of todays surgery would be infection and bleeding.  They remove the skull plate and lay down a grid that will be used to map the seizures and speech and language areas.  Then next Friday they will do the surgery to remove as much of the focal point of the seizure origination area as possible.  It is all very scary to us and we covet any and all prayers.  We are hoping to have him home for Christmas.  They have 2 little girls at home . Fallon who is 2 years old and Finley who is only 6 weeks old.  Thank you all.  Love and prayers to you all as well.  Jeanne

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Oh, for sure,  Many prayers... so scary, our sil had brain surgery in 1996,  only lost hearing in one ear..

his Mom had had two of these masses, and both removed, and never mentioned them until the surg.

was over..  then said the symptoms were the same.  She could have cut his suffering the massive head

aches had she said something during the 5 months he was suffering.. and he could have had the

surgery a lot sooner.


Prayers for Adam,  the Dr.s to proceed in what will be the best way for Adam, and the nurses and  

anesthetist be open to the Lords guiding.  May His Will be done. 

Prayers for his wife, and of course the two wee ones...  they need prayer also, as do all of you, Jeanne.


God Bless....



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I will be praying for Adam and Family. Praying right now for God's hand upon his life, that he will come through surgery today without any problems and will heal miraculously, in Jesus name. God give your family peace beyond understanding and grace in the midst of this situation you are all going through.


Please let us know how he is doing. K

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