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A couple of weeks ago I got a new dishwasher....great did the happy dance and kissed the hubby....

Then yesterday he hauled the dishwasher away, but brought the racks back....Stupid me, I asked the dumb question, why didn\'t they go too, and then his blue eyes started to twinkle and he said..... "Self, I said to myself....wiffy needs some new spool racks and self we (his....me, myself & I) will surprise her with them the next time she goes to the basement.

Well he and his self didn\'t get that far before I saw them, but he sure was proud of himself for thinking of it and I am because I don\'t think I have ever seen a more sturdy pair ever. He cut every other spoke out so the bigger threads will fit. Such a clever man I have.

p><p> <img src=[/img]


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Bonnie....that is so great!!! I, too, have a dishwasher that\'s not in use and may steal the racks to a place where they can be used! We had the dishwasher put in our new kitchen when we re-built our house (the first went up in smoke, so I got a do-over), but we\'ve never connected it properly. At this point, I\'m still the dishwasher!!:P

What a clever man you\'re married to...and to think, he thought of that all on his own!! Lucky woman, you are!!!:)

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Tomorrow makes 34 years with this guy...don\'t think I\'m going to let him go any place soon.....And he does come up with some great idea. I just tell him I think I need and he makes it for me. I am very lucky and spoiled.

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These right now are only hooked onto the wall with regular coffee cup hooks...which ARE no strong enough to hold them when they are fully loaded. I will be getting something at the hardware store to anchor them to the wall or maybe get a piece of peg board and use the peg board hooks to hang them with. Still not sure where I want it to hang so they aren\'t perment yet.

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Bonnie - Yes Indeed, you have a wonderful Hubby - and smart too. I\'ll have to call the used appliance shops and see if they have any racks haning around that I could get from them.

My DH Bill and I had our anniversary in May and we\'ve also been married for 34 years. We haven\'t celebrated it yet as he hasn\'t felt like it, but we hope to soon.

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Originally posted by ffq-lar

Poor Dennis thought I was going to do some housework!! Poor mis-guided sweetheart!

Linda...I am so on the floor right now. Gene will love this....I\'ll have to show him these when he gets home tonight.

PattyJo....1974 was a good year. Gene and I got married 7 days after I graduated from HS...and NO it wasn\'t a shotgun wedding.;) and I think I too will hit the used appliance stores...I have way more thread than these two will ever hold...:P

RitaR....yep the old cowboy, knows how to put together alot of things with just baling wire and bubble gum...I married the real Mister McGiver....;):P I plan on keeping him at least another 40 years or so.

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