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McBird of Paradising Is complete

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Here is what I have found....When I used the variegated thread in a tropical theme, my McTvshg looked just like a bird of paradise....I think that is the picture you are talking about...I did change to white thread on a bleached muslin background, but my lines where long, and it made my "cartoon hair" too big. I think by having a confined space to work it made me make my "cartoon hair" smaller.

Speaking of "cartoon hair" - I think that is the way Karen McTavish describes it. I was repeating that over and over when I was doing this, and when it came out looking bad...I repeated..."bad hair day, bad hair day." :D But I didn\'t rip it out!!

Thank you for all or your comments. It is helping....I think I am a real machine quilter now!!!

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I don\'t think Dawn has a book - Yet - Oh Dawn....when is the book coming out??? I have all of the class notes that I have had since the first class I have taken with Dawn....this was one trick of the trade she had not shared in the past. Maybe she will pop on here and tell you how to do it.... I could try, but I\'m sure I cannot do it justice.

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Wow, Mary Beth, this is so beautiful. I love all you McBird of Paradise. ;)

I love the way you McT\'d around the border roses, those dancing leaves in the green border and of course, the CL wreaths.

But, for me those precious little roses are so wonderful and they are perfect for this quilt. And continuous, I bet. What Dawn class have I missed that I did not get to learn that rose. I have a quilt coming in next week that used that very rose pattern. I\'ll have to hijack yours/Dawn\'s design. I bet that you could do ALL of this woman\'s quilts if she let you have them. If all of her work is this nice, that would be a very nice gig.

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Mary Beth,

Thanks for the nudge on the books/DVD\'s! I know I have to get busy.

I\'m pouting today because I had another skin cancer lesion removed from my nose today and am facing plastic surgery tomorrow to repair a gaping hole. (I put off the surgery until after MQS so you all would still recognize me--the surgeon today said one nostril would be higher for some time:))

So, after I heal up a bit I\'ll get to work on the book and DVD\'s. I\'ll try to do a white board drawing of the rose and post it on the chat for all of you.

Even though Des Moines is facing major flooding again, my basement is dry for once...but keep your fingers crossed that the sump pump keeps going--more rain is predicted Thursday and Friday!

Happy Quilting!

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PRAYERS for you too, Dawn.. I understand houw sczary that can be, and upsetting, too, to go thru. Our oldest daughter shares your name. Must be good.. wink.

Check out my web shots to see how silly some people can be. I\'ll be posting a couple pictures of himself there.. this is the end of the silly things he\'s pulled today..


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I\'m so sorry to hear that you had a poopy day! Doesn\'t sound like tomorrow will be much more fun. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

If you need help writing that book let me know...I\'ve never written one before but have always wanted to. We would at least have fun! If you need any notes....I have all of them from class. You almost have your own notebook!

I have practiced and practiced drawing those roses. My family just looks at them and makes a "humph" sound. Keep telling them I quilt better than I draw. The test will be in a few minutes when DH gets home. I do have a long way to go on those things... I took pictures of the better looking ones. I\'m learning ;)

We will be thinking of you tomorrow.

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Dawn...what a stinky day for you....and as said tomorrow will be just as yucky, but know that I too will be thinking of you. Been there at least on my back so kinda know what is going to be ahead for you....heal fast. We will be thinking of you.

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Dawn - you\'ll be in my prayers. These kind of things are no fun at all. And praying for a very quick healing.

MaryBeth - Your McBething (McTavishing and Mary Beth come out McBething!) is beautiful. And I\'ll be watching for Dawn\'s drawing on how to do that rose bud. Very nice job MB and you can stand tall and be proud of this quilt. I bet your customer is going to have a hanging jaw when she sees it. :)

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Mary Beth, beautiful quilting. What a pretty quilt. Those rosebuds are so sweet. Sorry to hear things aren\'t so good for you Dawn, hard to imagine flooding and damp basements, it is very dry here at the moment, (too dry - desperately need rain). Saw some pictures of some houses falling into the river somewhere in the US on the TV last night. Thinking of those people too, and hope things get better for them.

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Mary Beth, the quilt is stunning! I would have loved to see a "before" picture. I think in this case the quilting really DID make the quilt! You did a beautiful job!

I would LOVE to get this pattern and make it for my 86 year old mom as she LOVES anything with roses on it. Do you have any idea where it\'s from? Book? Pattern packet? Magazine?

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Oh WOW MB!!!! Absolutly BEAUTIFUL!!! WOW!!! I do love the rose buds!! I talked to Kay at CL today, ordering a DVD to watch about the CL and she asked if I had seen your quilt yet:P At that time I hadn\'t but wow!! NOW I have ! OH !! It is sooooo pretty!! Your work is WONDERFUL!! :):):):) DAWN, Will be praying for you tomorrow and for your healing time. Sounds exactly what a friend of mine went through last fall. It would be great if you could draw out the rose for us if you have the time!! THanks!! linda

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THAT\'s Fabulous!!! Great job!

Shall I send along a couple of ace bandages for your arms perhaps? or how\'s \'bout some xtra micro glasses to heal your po\' \'lil eyes? and your feet? Your feet must be killin\' ya! Allllll the ways down there at the bottom of those looonnnnggg legs!

Mary Beth! I\'m really impressed, the quilt is just fabulous, and it\'s in MY colors! Just ship it my way, she\'ll never notice!

Dawn: Stay dry, I can\'t even imagine flooding.....and, I\'m so sorry about the skin cancer.... I get it myself on my chest, and I gave up the outdoors because of it.... I don\'t much like the heat anyway. I\'ll pray they get it all.

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