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Spine Implant is in and working

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Hi Quilters,

I had the MedTronic spinal implant done yesterday. Was feeling pretty rough, with a lot of pain last night, so thought today would be a lot worse, since they keep telling me the next day following surgery is always the worst. Won't listen when I say the second full day is the worst for me.. so we shall see what tomorrow brings...

Anyway, Praise our Great and Loving Lord, the pain today isn't nearly as bad as last night, the device is stopping the low back pain I've had for many years.. AND I feel like doing something more quilt related than hand applique work, but shall refrain for another day or two.. I'll be partly good, will that work. The curl on my forehead keeps coming back.

I just want to thank All of you for keeping me in thoughts and prayers.. and let you know, it helped, and I'm doing great.

God Bless y'all, stay well, safe and be happy.


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yeah for Rita

I am so glad that you are feeling better and hopefully the worst is over now. Thank You Jesus. He is so good to hear our prayers.

Little Miss Lenni is home.

Poor girl had to be left in her boxes in the living room till I can come back home after work and take care of her. She was covered in Oil though. Had to take her out of the box in the driveway and bring her in. They had a 5 gal can of gear oil spill in the truck and 3 or 4 boxes were soaked in oil. I know we are supposed to keep the machine box. But it STINKS.

I guess I will need to store it in my outside shed and let it dry out if I need to keep it.

I will be having fun tonight though.

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Rita, I'm so happy that the implant is helping with the pain. My sister had one put in but it didn't help at all. She had a rod put in first, seemed worse, so they put in the implant. She finally found a doctor that would listen to her about the pain and not make her feel like she had no pain tolerance or that it was all in her head. This last doctor looked at her pictures and said, "Well, it looks like I'm going to have to go in and fix what that doctor screwed up." The rod was't right. So, the new doctor had to go in and remove the rod and the stimulator and put a new rod in. It helped alot but she still has pain. She's still in a full cast for her back and will be for awhile yet.

I myself, use the Personal Health Stimulator that I got at MQS a couple of years ago and swear by it. This quilting habit we have can be pretty hard on the neck and back.:D

So, so thank you Lord for helping Rita and my sister.

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That doesn't sound fun at ALL!! I'm glad it's helping. GEEZ! Wonder if it would help my sister. She's had 2 back surgeries and titanium rods put in. Chronic pain she has to deal with and she really ties to watch the pain meds for fear of addiction. I told her to use them and not worry about the addiction. It's not like the problem is going to go away and at least she can function with the medication. I feel for anyone with back problems after seeing what she's gone through for years. I'm so glad it's working for you!

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Many prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery go out to you Rita! Back pain is the worst... My DH had 2 fusion surgeries on his low back, they were talking about that spinal implant for him, but it wouldn't have done any good being his pain is from nerve dammage, I guess it doesn't do anything for that. So here's hoping it does wonders for you!;) Prayers and hugs!:)

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I so appreciate all of you, the thoughts prayers, etc..

The device puts two metal leads inside the spine between it and the spinal cord.. the wires go down to the hip where I ahve a thing, much like a pace maker, but for my divice, not the heart.. and it zaps the pain message before it can get to the brain, so no pain from the back. from the waist down. to the toes.. the hips, knees, etc.

The pain is from the incision, and the wires they put thru my body, without opening me up, lol, much like they do power lines, etc.. pull them thru or push them thru, to the device. The battery pack/brain is rechargable, even though inside me.. and should last for 9 years before it has to be replace. If I live that long, it will be done.

The pain I've had off and on since I was a kid, painful from 1980, and finally here in NC, not in CA not in TX, not in OR, did I find a Dr. that didn't want to do surgery, and wanted to find an alternate. With the vertebra and disks degenerating, and arthritis from tailbone to skull, surgery is not the thing.

Check out www.medtronics and the neuro(nerve)stimulator. I don't have the one that dispenses meds.. There might be new info, or other things to help posted there.

Prayers for all those affected by the back, neck shoulders, arthritis, carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, scoliosis, etc. and may the medical research find a way to lessen pain a lot sooner and less invasively. My incisions are covered with 2" gauze pads.. So not large.

It is really nice to get up out of a chair and not hurt.. to walk and not hurt. To lift more than 1 or 2 pounds and not hurt.. It is the incisions that hurt now.. and with taking sterioids it's going to slow the healing down.

My bed is calling and I talked so much here, other posts I want to respond to will have to wait..

Thanks again, and I whisper your names in prayer every day.. it helps all of us.


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Rita, You bring tears to my eyes. You have to have a strong will to live to go through this. God bless you! My prayer is that you will find joy and patience in the healing process. AND that very soon you will be able to enjoy quilting and walking and every day without pain.:)

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Thanks Ladies.. I am really doing well, had to put a bungie cord on my ankle to keep me slowed down.. only the incisions have any pain and they don't unless I'm trying to get up, or reaching for something.. sooo.. have to remember.. don't reach. I do have to get up and down.

Will coach himself as he puts his quilt top on Penny this afternoon.. Wait till you see it.. hope he does half as well quilting as he did piecing. I love the quilt.

Thanks again.. RitaR

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letting Hubby keep Penny exercised while you are in ReCoop mode, Huh? Haven't tried Miss Lenni, yet. Been busy with Grandchildren

tonight so it will have to wait till I can get a sandwich on and PPP. The whole thing went together very easily, now if it works well or not will be the question. It does seem like the front wheels on the carriage are a little off center to me. Not sure if there is an adjustment for that or not. Will have to find out if it doesn't handle well once I get her sewing. Jp

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Don't rush - mind the doctors!!!! I will have good thoughts for you every day! I was just recently released from my 6th back surgery and am finally pain free and pain killer free. It is such a joy to actually feel good for more than a few hours at a time. I still have twinges - but no real pain and I can live with that. I hope for the same for you - will keep my fingers crossed - but again, do mind your doc!!!

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I'm with you! THese devices are wonderful - I have two. One on the right side that controls bladder/bowl nerves and one for spinal pain. I have a brain tumor. Thanks to a great set of doctors, the latest medication inventions help me to live a normal life. By looking at me, you would never know I have an illness! I might would even have a date, if I wasn't already married to the most wonderful man :) Ha!

I now walk without a walker - although I had to learn again! I do still take pain meds, but not nearly as much. The best part is, I can sleep - and sleep well :) I can now function, otherwise, like a normal human body - which is such a treat! I enjoy not having medical devices attached to the outside of my body.

I will tell you though, do EXACTLY what they say! After my very first surgery for the Medtronic stimulator (pacemaker in the R hip), I decided I felt well enough to cook dinner. I bent over to grab a skillet, and tore loose the wire going to the bladder nerve. It burned! I knew I did something. Sure enough, the bladder quit functioning again, and we had to repeat that. So, be very, very careful during this first stage of healing. Also, know the second part of the surgery, where they actually implant the device is a piece of cake. It's this first part that is painful...you're sore from them jamming those wires in and I had wires hanging out of me for 3 weeks - hard to sleep like that! But, if yours is done in 2 stages like mine were, the second is easy peasy :)

It does get better - and I am so grateful to have these modern devices. My life would be totally different now without them. I believe wholeheartedly in quality over quantity. I'm grateful that I have choices! So many don't....now, if only I could 'choose' to quilt a little better on this new machine - I'd be even more grateful :)!

Hope your healing goes well - and do take it easy! Follow the bending rules to a T! Soon your life will be so much better :)

Debbie in Austin

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